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但是静心者最后会到达心。But the meditator finally reaches to the heart.

图中的冥想者坐得太低。The meditator in the photograph is sitting too low.

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禅定者坐在自己的坐垫上。There sits the meditator parked on his little cushion.

您的配偶是否也修练这种内观法?Is your spouse a Vipassana meditator in this tradition?

了悟这些的行者也了悟死与生。The meditator who realises this also realises death and birth.

当修行者获得较深的定力时,他的心变得清净。When a meditator has gained deep concentration of mind, his mind is purified.

在禅定中为了发展觉知,他不会去关心外部世界。The meditator who is developing Mindfulness is not concerned with the external universe.

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这个-0.5显示的是全部的负值也就是冥想者在以慈悲之心冥想时所显示的负面情绪只有-0.5。Here, the -0.5 is the full standard deviation of a meditator who meditated on compassion.

于是这个铁铲智者,藏起他唯一拥有的东西——铁铲,成了森林里一名修行者。So the Shovel Wise Man hid his one possession, his shovel, and became a forest meditator.

作为禅定者,你把你的注意力聚焦于鼻子内部的感觉点。As a meditator , you focus your attention on that single spot of sensation inside the nose.

行者观照生起的名色,对它们清楚的程度就象以手摸到它们似的。The meditator who is contemplating the rising movement knows it as if touching it with the hand.

禅修者可以做这个步骤打算改变以下四个到来,由用人。The meditator may do this by intending changes to come about, by employing the following four steps.

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因为任何的移动会打断持续的专注力,而使得禅修者必须重新开始。Any movement breaks the continuity of the practice and this causes the meditator to start all over again.

这时候,禅者通常会经历很多不同的苦受,它们不断在身中生起。At that time, the meditator will generally experience many different painful feelings arising in his body.

禅定者学习纯然的关注其思维现象的每一个升起,发展和消失的阶段。The meditator learns to pay bare attention to the birth, growth, and decay of all the phenomena of the mind.

为瞭解它的实相,禅修者应该要能紧跟、浸入、黏著、或透入感觉之中去。To realize its nature, the meditator should be able to hook on, sink in, adhere, or penetrate into the sensation.

禅定者的任务就是通过仔细的观察它来消除这种思维习惯,代替以别的。The meditator 's job is to cancel this unskillful habit by examining it thoroughly, and then replacing it with another.

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为避免向前翻到,冥想者往后靠,就造成在背部的下部形成一个夸张的凹陷。In order to avoid falling flat on his face, the meditator leans back, causing an exaggerated hollowing in the lower back.

事实上,我们现在恰恰有途径知道在任何冥想者,昆达里尼正在上升或在一个上升的状态。In fact we have now precisely a way to know when the Kundalini is rising or when it is in a risen state, in any Meditator.

他是一个偶像崇拜者,仍然是一个忠实信徒,花大量的时间冥想一位没有形状,绝对和无限的神。He is an idolater, yet is a faithful and most devoted meditator on the perfections of the One Formless, Absolute, Infinite Deity.