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马克思不仅是我们做学问的导师,也是我们做人的导师。Karl Marx is our hierophant both in study and in conducting-oneself.

罗师不仅是我论文的导师,更是我精神的导师。Prof. Luo is not only the tutor of my paper, but also the hierophant of my spirit.

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另一个有趣的是卡在甲板望远镜导师或老师的内心。Another interesting card in the tarot deck is the Hierophant , the teacher or our inner self.

概括而言,导师的内在改变主要指导师在观念和行为等方面的适应性更新。In a word, internal changer of hierophant is the hierophant 's adaptable renovation in the aspects of idea and action.

“大法王”,既是宗教界对最伟大的精神领袖的尊称,也代表着他的地位。"Great Hierophant" is both the respectful title for the greatest spiritual leader by all the religions, also stands for his rank.

导师作出决定的理由和依据直觉聚集在他的人生经验和智慧的周期。The Hierophant makes decisions based on reason and intuition, which he has gathered in the cycle of life through experience and wisdom.

在影响导师制工作成效的诸因素中,导师的内在改变是重中之重。Internal changer of hierophant is the most important part of supervising mechanism in the various factors that influence the effect of supervising mechanism.

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若森林法皇被从场上放至任何坟墓场,则将森林法皇移出游戏,然后将你坟墓场中的一张生物牌移回手上。If Sylvan Hierophant is put into any graveyard from play, remove Sylvan Hierophant from the game, then return a creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

北京大学光华管理学院会计系主任,教授,博士生导师。长期专注于企业财务管理理论研究与实践,在中国财务管理领域享有很高声誉。Beijing Guanghua management college department head, professor, doctor's hierophant. Long time focus on the research and fulfil in corporation finace management.

本科生导师制包含两个关系层面,即学校与教师的关系层面以及教师与学生的关系层面。The hierophant system of undergraduate includes two relations. One is the relation between the university and teachers, the other is the relation between teachers and students.

所以,不仅世界宗教法王厅恭请他为大法王,而且世界宗教联合会也恭请他为名誉会长。Therefore, not only World Religion The Vatican respectfully inaugurates him as Hongbao Great Hierophant but also World Religion Federation inaugurated him to be the Honor Chairman.