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所以别让你们的差异升级为公开战争。So don't let your differences escalate into open war.

甚至有可能会演变成另一场核子战争。It even has the potential to escalate into a nuclear war.

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局部战斗有逐步升级为全面战争的危险。Local fighting threatens to escalate into full-scale war.

随着使用量增加,三氟化氮的排放量也将升级。The emissions will escalate as nitrogen trifluoride's use increases.

渐渐地,他们升级为将大票直接给医生。Gradually they escalate to big ticket items given directly to the doctors.

她的第一张专辑在排行榜中成绩娇人,其名气也迅速往上窜。Her first album burned up the charts and her fame began to escalate quickly.

我要将此件事情提交/上报高级管理层审核批准。I will escalate this matter to the higher management for review and approval.

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通胀不太可能升级,但预期很重要,风险是存在的。Inflation is unlikely to escalate but expectations matter and there are risks.

使你的拥趸数量增加而且来到你的F页面也成为了一种快乐。Make it fun to come to your Facebook page and see your number of fans escalate.

传染性疾病的流行能够升级至大流行疫情,但也不总是这样。Epidemics of infectious disease can escalate into pandemics, but do not always do so.

接着不可救药地陷入─眨眼吃掉三大块巧克力蛋糕旳疯狂!That can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!

俄方在7月17日对外官驱逐出境的表态可能会使事件升级。The Russian response to the expulsions —expected on July 17th—may yet escalate matters.

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基地组织策划了很多爆炸事件,煽动派系之间的暴力活动。Al-Qaida in Iraq was behind many of the bombings in a drive to escalate sectarian violence.

他不愿意财产继承人之间的意见分歧扩大而升级为家庭不和。He did not want any differences of opinion between his heirs to escalate into a family feud.

必须有系统条理性地让工作进行,不然你只是在加剧工作的混乱度。Realise you need to be systematic to make it work or you just escalate your disorganisation.

这有助于在问题升级并可能破坏数据之前,尽可能早地捕捉问题。This helps catch problems as early as possible, before they escalate and possibly destroy data.

这是战争的一个转折点,使战争升级的承诺,确实激起了,尤其是学生们的抵制,and,this,really,galvanizedThis was a new turn in the war, and it promised to escalate it, especially student--resistance.

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然而,北京尽管对此举进行了严词指责,但它似乎并不急于让这一特殊的矛盾升级。For all its fulminations, however, China does not seem keen to escalate this particular dispute◄.

以卑鄙的话回答意味着把自己降低到恶棍的水准,可能导致问题激化。Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate.

艾兰说。“在现实世界中,当你需要诉讼某事的时候你知道找哪个正确的机构。In the real world you have a sense of when you need to escalate something to the right organisation.