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工作中权利和责任不相称。Disproportional between authority and obligation.

非比例再保险的保险费率由双方当事人议定。The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.

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其次,说说那些臀部和肩膀不匀的新娘。Then, there are those brides with disproportional body between hips and shoulders.

仅当恐惧与眼前之危险不成比例时才会成其为问题。It is only when fear is disproportional to the danger at hand that it becomes a problem.

没有杂乱,扭曲,或不成比例的标志是要吸引游客或客户。No cluttered, distorted, or disproportional logo is going to attract visitors or customers.

这样肆意滥用武力是不可接受的,也是不可原谅的。Such indiscriminate and disproportional use of forces unacceptable and I would also say unforgivable.

利用融盐热歧化反应进行了氮化铝陶瓷表面钛金属化沉积的动力学研究。The kinetics of titanium deposition on AlN ceramic surface by heat disproportional reaction was studied.

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如果这种结果与现实不相符,那么这些方法将与威胁不相称。If the consequences are out of sync with reality, the methods applied will be disproportional to the threat.

接合线顶部的窗口中可以看到除了门口寻找完全不成比例。Splice lines at the top of the window can be seen in addition to the door looking completely disproportional.

再保险的具体形式可以分为比例再保险和非比例再保险两类。The particular form of reinsurance can be divided for scale reinsurance and disproportional reinsurance two kinds.

专家们说,非洲大陆将比其他地方蒙受更多由于气候变化而导致的灾难。Experts say the continent will bear the brunt of a disproportional amount of disasters resulting from climate change.

例如,当观察到被潜在约会所忽略的黑人会员的异常比例时,他震惊了。He was shocked, for example, to observe that a disproportional number of black members are ignored by potential dates.

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在中东的气候,猪消耗的食物是不相称的作为食物来源,其价值的数量。In the Middle Eastern climate, the pig consumes a quantity of food that is disproportional to its value as a food source.

其次,男女比例不一致有利于班级纪律和学习成效。Second, a disproportional rate of male and female students in one class is conducive to class discipline and learning effect.

但是,经济理论和欧洲实践说明,一般而言,规制有过度的危险。However, economic theory and European practice have taught us that there is a general risk that regulation is disproportional.

常用堵剂中冻胶成本低廉、封堵对油水具有选择性、可笼统注入,适合于海上油田堵水。Because of the feature of low cost and disproportional permeability reducing for oil and water, Gel is suitable for bullheaded water shutoff.

必须把握好经济非均衡增长和周期波动条件下适度经济增长速度的特点。It is necessary to grasp the features of moderate growth rate of economy un-der conditions of disproportional growth and cyclical fluctuation.

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如果各数据库分区存储的记录数不均,就会导致不均衡的存储需求和性能问题。If records are stored unequally across the database partitions, it can result in disproportional storage requirements and performance problems.

国有企业在实施年薪制过程中,存在经营者收入差距大,收入结构单一以及企业利润与经营者责任不相符的问题。In the implementation of annual salary system in SOE there are some problems, such as a big income gap, single income and disproportional profits and responsibility.

如果仅对这几个生命承保了极为不成比例的保额,那么潜在损失的误差将大大增加。因此,再保险可以稳定原保险人的经营结果。The variation in loss potential is greatly increased if greatly disproportional coverage is written on just a few lives. Thus, reinsurance allows stability in operating results.