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他是个肿瘤科医生。He is a specialist in oncology.

留言者是位肿瘤科护士The writer is an oncology nurse practitioner.

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FDG是目前应用最广泛的肿瘤显像剂。FDG is the most widely used imaging agent in oncology.

在肿瘤科,每一天都既恐怖又可贵。On the oncology floor, every day is both horrible and precious.

报告刊登在柳叶刀肿瘤学9月号上。The report appears in the September issue of The Lancet Oncology.

我们知道使用IGRT可以让放射肿瘤医疗团队工作更为方便。We know that using IGRT is easier for the radiation oncology team.

首次授予内科肿瘤学和妇科肿瘤学资格。Certification in medical oncology and gynecologic oncology first offered.

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塔甘博士同时拥有法国和美国的癌症放射医学认证。He has take certification in radiation oncology in both France and the USA.

现在,马来西亚已有1名医生在攻读中医肿瘤硕士学位。Malaysia had also send 1 doctor to pursue education at master level in TCM oncology.

Lesniak博士说。他是芝加哥大学脑肿瘤中心神经外科的负责人。Lesniak, Director of Neurosurgical Oncology at University of Chicago Brain Tumor Center.

他是一名肿瘤学和流行病学的教授。Maura Gillison, a professor of oncology and epidemiology, said in a telephone interview.

展望未来,中医肿瘤学面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。View the future, TCM Oncology is facing the unprecedented opportunity and the challenge.

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黑龙江省血液肿瘤研究中心细胞生物室主任。Director of cellular biology lab, Heilongjiang Research Center of Hematological Oncology.

就像张殿菲所说的,走到今天这一步,已经无所谓输赢了,大家都是冠军了。Oncology like the Philippines said, come today, it has no such winner, we are all champion.

这项研究将发表在妇科肿瘤杂志的四月期刊上,届时也将在网站公布。The study appears online and in the April print issue of the journal Gynecological Oncology.

本文就中医肿瘤学的发展历程进行一个回顾与展望。This paper is focusing on the status, progression, review, and the prospect of TCM Oncology.

肿瘤药物在一定程度上为其它治疗领域起着一种示范作用。Oncology drugs to a certain extent have served as a kind of role model for other therapeutic areas.

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肿瘤药物和常规药物的另一个区别在于大多数三期试验的终点。Another difference between oncology and conventional drugs is the endpoint of most Phase III trials.

卡罗结合放射肿瘤学相关的医护专业人员的鉴定认可的培训计划。CARO conjointly accredits training programs for radiation oncology related health care professionals.

荷兰和Medco的研究结果在美国临床肿瘤协会的一次会议上发布。The Dutch and Medco studies were presented at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.