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我和中国的孩子们一起学习了造表工艺。I got to do a watchmaking workshop with children from China.

瑞士以制表业和漂亮的风景而闻名。Switzerland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful scenery.

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卡地亚是享誉世界的著名珠宝腕表品牌。Cartier is synonymous the world over with excellence jewellery and watchmaking.

有赖SIHH,瑞士制表自此成为豪华世界不可或缺的部分。Since then, thanks to the SIHH, Swiss watchmaking became a full part the luxury word.

由于钟表制造技术的发展,他得以不断的生产线上改进。It was constantly improved in line with the latest developments in watchmaking technology.

一路上我做的事情为保存的经典制表工艺的一般。And along the way I do things for the preservation of classic watchmaking and the craft's in general.

他鼓励他的学徒自立门户,从而发展出制表文化。He encouraged his apprentices to set themselves up in business, and a culture of watchmaking developed.

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例子包括枪械制造,乐器维修,制表,精密系统的维护。Examples include Gunsmithing. musical instrument repair. watchmaking. and precision systems maintenance.

这个创新的方法在手表制造史上要求最繁复,但促进了发展。Such innovative solution required the developing the most complicated case in the history of watchmaking.

很多格拉苏蒂出产的手表都被奉为现代经典,而每款新手表也都成为了小镇的制表传统的一部分。Many of the watches from Glashütte are modern classics. And every new model becomes part of the town's legacy of watchmaking.

她还说,发出清脆的、有节奏的、音色丰富的“叮”声是制表时最难完成的部分之一。Herrera, who adds that a crisp, well-paced and rich-toned 'ding' is one of the most difficult things to achieve in watchmaking.

弗兰克穆勒副本手表反映了设计师对制表传统的方法,被授予“艺术状态”。Franck Muller replica watches reflect the designer's unconventional approach towards watchmaking that is given the "art status".

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路易斯。尔华特腕表拥有高品质的重要优越性能,此腕表是经由先进的制表工业,以严格的品质检控下而诞生。LOUIS EDWARD Timepiece has undergone rigorous quality control, in accordance with the highest standards of the Watchmaking Industry and beyond.

从这一节开始,我们将看到约翰•亚诺和他的儿子所取得的成就,看他们如何在钟表制造历史上占据一席之地。Starting with this catalogue, we shall look at some of the achievements that assured John Arnold and his son of their place in watchmaking history.

本公司的产品主要用于五金螺丝厂、五金工艺品厂、五金弹簧厂、电子厂、玩具厂、表业制造厂等!Our products are mainly used for metal screws factory, hardware handicraft factory, hardware factory, toy factory, spring factory , watchmaking factory etc.

1994年,重生的第一批朗格表在德累斯顿展出,立即以德国式的精致风格和令人惊叹的制表工艺震动国际制表业。In 1994, the rebirth of the first Lange watch exhibition in Dresden, Germany immediately formula exquisite style and stunning shock international watchmaking watchmaking.

格拉叙提原本是能与瑞士匹敌的钟表制造重镇,直到欧洲二次大战的终战日,俄国的轰炸使此地大型制表厂毁于一旦。Glashuette was at the heart of a watchmaking industry that rivalled Switzerland's until Russian bombers destroyed its main workshops on the day World War Two ended in Europe.

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作为一家独立自主的家族企业,百达翡丽始终致力于制定自己的品质标准,而这也是整个制表业迄今为止最为严格的标准。As an independent family business, Patek Philippe has always been committed to developing its own quality standards, and this is by far the most entire watchmaking stringent standards.

珠海新明珠表业有限公司于1996年成立于美丽的海滨城市珠海,位于珠海市金鼎港湾大道金星路,总占地面积6万平方米,可容纳员工2000人左右。Zhuhai SMH Watchmaking Co. Ltd. set up in 1996 and has more than 2000 employees capacity today. It locate in Jinding industry park, Zhuhai, which occupies sixty thousand square meters.

自1874年创立以来,伯爵始终致力于提升创造力、修饰细节以及融合腕表和珠宝工艺等方面,体现高档品牌的风范。Since its founding in 1874, Piaget has been cultivating the spirit of luxury of fostering creativity, concern for detail, as well as totally integrated watchmaking and jewellery know-how.