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那是一枚用过的邮票。That is a used stamp.

这是一个橡皮图章。This is. rubber stamp.

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这是我的集邮簿。This is my stamp album.

代扣代缴印花税!Withholding stamp duty.

我需要一张8角钱的邮票。I need an 80-cent stamp.

那么删除日期标签。Then remove the date stamp.

把一张邮票贴在信封上。Stick a stamp on the envelop.

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那张邮票上没有盖图章。There is no stamp on the stamp.

你应该买一张20美分的邮票。You should buy a 20-cent stamp.

我丈夫是个集邮者。My husband is a stamp collector.

什么是特种邮票?What is a special service stamp?

露西有许多邮票收藏品。Lucy has a great stamp collection.

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现在我们都可以有集邮册了。Now we can both have stamp albums.

那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。The letter was sent without stamp.

这张邮票给邮册增色不少。This stamp has added to the album.

凡未盖我厂印记者全系假货。None are genuine without our stamp.

就像盖了两次取消章的邮票。Like a twice-canceled postage stamp.

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寻找标签上盖有USP的印章。Look for the USP stamp on the label.

她保存着一枚未曾用过的猴邮票。She keeps an unused stamp of monkey.

他给我看了他集的邮票。He has shown me his stamp collection.