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她藏在小房间里。She was hidden in the closet.

这些靴子应搁在壁橱里。These boots belong in the closet.

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他把他的外套挂在衣橱内。He hung up his coat in the closet.

贾斯有个不为人知的秘密。Garth has a skeleton in his closet.

然而关起门来生活同样要付出代价。Yet living in the closet has costs.

我担心地打开了壁橱。I opened the closet with fearfulness.

过去他常把自己关在小房间里读书。He used to closet himself with a book.

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他的书全部卡在了衣柜里头His books are all jammed in the closet

自定义镜像衣柜门。Master has custom mirrored closet doors.

你已经满满一鞋柜了。You already have a closet full of shoes.

上星期参加了个换衣活动。I attended a Closet Swap event last week.

我的储藏室里有成盒成盒的照片。In my closet I have boxes of photographs.

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于是,他们把电视收在了壁橱里。In the end, they kept the TV in a closet.

呵,是我,但我的那“一半”包括衣橱。My “half, ” however, included the closet.

打开壁橱和柜子时要小心。Open closet and cabinet doors cautiously.

那你藏在壁橱的那张怎么解释?What about the card you hid in the closet?

这儿是壁柜。这儿是洗澡间。Here's the closet and there's the bathroom.

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在你的储藏室里准备紧急装备。Prepare an emergency outfit in your closet.

但是其中还有更多不可告人的秘密。But there were more skeletons in the closet.

许多家庭都有不可外扬的家丑。Many families have a skeleton in the closet.