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并回顾了后世对其乐府诗的评价。The evaluation by afterworld will be retrospected.

笛卡儿的思想是其后世生命科学发展的出发点。Descartes' thought is the starting point of the life science afterworld.

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英法核力量都是战后逐步发展起来的。The nuclear forces of Britain and France came into being gradually afterWorld War II.

然以礼治军、治兵虽渐淡出历史舞台,但其作为中国军事文化之源,仍对后世有重大影响。But as the root of Chinese military culture, it still influences the afterworld a lot.

古埃及人死后与十字章一起埋葬,他们相信这样就能在“阴间”继续生活。Egyptians were buried with an ankh, so that they could continue to live in the "afterworld."

他的经济思想及财政改革措施对后代影响深远。His economic views and financial reform measurements have great influence on the afterworld.

秦始皇的文字政策对后世有着深远意义。So we can say that the Qing emperor's character policy has a profound significance to the afterworld.

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另外一个同样重要的原因是,二战结束后的几十年里有大量人口出生。But just assignificant is the enormous bulge of people born in the first few decades afterWorld War II.

中国阴间的观念比起其它的天堂地狱的概念来说,更象日常生活。The Chinese idea of the afterworld is much more everyday than other conceptions of paradise and damnation.

其书院教育蕴含着丰富的实学思想,对后世教育有着极大的借鉴意义。His college education contains plenty illuminative thought and has huge significance for reference to the afterworld.

“两世”思想是伊斯兰教教义的重要组成部分,是伊斯兰教的基本精神和灵魂。The idea of Secularity and Afterworld is an important segment of Teachings of Islam, which is also the pith and soul of Islam.

这种嵌壁式的壁龛几乎在所有的埃及坟墓里都能发现,意味着带领死者的灵魂往来死后世界。The recessed niches found in nearly all ancient Egyptian tombs were meant to take the spirits of the dead to and from the afterworld.

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因此,人类文化对来世的叙述泛滥,在一些情况下还有非常明确的细节、织体和景色。Human culture, therefore, overflows with afterworld narratives, and in some cases these have become rich in specific details, textures and landscapes.

这些管理措施在当时基本能得到普遍的实施,取得了很好的成效,对后世的自然资源管理思想产生了深远的影响。These administrative measures generally were put in practice on the whole. It obtained better effect and had far-reaching influence on the afterworld.

他的“学”与“仕”相结合的继续教育思想内涵丰富,对后世产生着深远影响。His continuing education idea of the combination of "learning" and "practicing" had a profound meaning and had a far-reaching influence on the afterworld.

这股热潮能够延续半个多世纪,并对后代产生巨大影响,应对其社会意义和历史地位充分地认识和分析。The upsurge had lasted over half a century, and greatly influenced the afterworld. So we should sufficiently know and analyze its social sense and historical position.

中国古代北方民族创造了以各种动物纹饰为主要特色的青铜艺术,为后世留下了精美的艺术遗产。The ancient northern nationalities of China created the decorated bronze art with various animal patterns and left the afterworld their fine and beautiful art legacies.

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象征着进入来世的通道,这一描述也时常被古埃及人用于对其他各种不同的宇宙及其大自然力量之间的联系之构想。Symbolizing the passageway into the afterworld this expression also applies to other points of contact between the different elements of the universe as conceived by the Egyptians.

第三,对“两世”思想中的两个重要问题,即“吉哈德”和“终极关怀”,进行了探析,并进一步阐释了现实生活中的“两世”观。Thirdly, it gives accurate analysis to the two important problem of the idea Secularity and Afterworld , namely al-Jihad and ultimate caring, it expounds this idea in the life farther.

他悲剧性的死亡在后世不仅被用来和耶稣的殉难相提并论,还被认为是以言论自由著称的雅典民主制的污点,一直令古今学者难以释怀。His tragic death was mentioned in the same breath with the death of Jesus in the afterworld and became the blot of Athenian democracy, which became a puzzle of ancient and modem scholars.