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就在此时,不知什么东西挠了下我的后脑,我使劲咬住嘴唇才没有笑出来。Something tickled my hindbrain then, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

被殴记者因后脑受到重拳袭击住进贵阳脑科医院。Journalists were beaten with heavy blows struck by the hindbrain into Guiyang neurosurgical hospital.

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一个星期之后,官顶端弯曲,形成了基本的大脑前、中、后期结构。A week later the top of this tube bends over, creating the basic structure of fore, mid and hindbrain.

后脑位于大脑后端的下方,由小脑、脑桥和延髓构成。The hindbrain sits underneath the back end of the cerebrum, and it consists of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla.

在其它脊椎动物是主要感觉统合中心的中脑,在哺乳动物则主司联系后脑和前脑的作用。The midbrain, a major sensory integration centre in other vertebrates, serves primarily to link the hindbrain and forebrain in mammals.

内耳是调节听力和平衡的器官,来源于外胚层邻近后脑的生长板。The inner ear, which mediates hearing and equilibrium, develops from an ectodermal placode located adjacent to the developing hindbrain.

然而,20世纪40年代晚期,在脑中部和后部发现了觉醒系统证明睡眠核心的存在。However, the discovery in the last 1940s of the arousal system running within the mid-brain and hindbrain showed that such sleep centers do exist.

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心脏是含有红血球的一个薄壁管,位于胚体头部腹面,且与中脑平行。The floor-plate extended anteriorly to the hindbrain . The heart was a thin-walled tube containing erythrocytes. It was ventral to the head paralleled with diencephalon.

如果背后有人走动,容易让人精神不集中,无形中把一部分注意力转到后脑,长久下来会消耗掉能量,影响工作效率和健康。If someone behind the move, easily mentally focused, virtually part of its attention to the hindbrain , the long run will lose energy consumption, affect efficiency and health.

后脑由延髓和桥脑组成,连接脊髓和脑的高级部分,也包含将讯息从大脑皮质传到小脑的神经细胞。The hindbrain comprises the medulla oblongata and the pons, which connects the spinal cord with higher Brain levels and transfers information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum.

尽管相当一致的切入点,有很大的差异造成的破坏,从彻底毁灭的后脑损伤的大脑皮质的。Despite a reasonably consistent point of entry, there were wide variations in the damage inflicted, ranging from the total destruction of the hindbrain to injury to the cerebral cortex alone.