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我在鹅卵石上呀呀学语。I babble on the pebble.

它们就像一个小石子。They e like a small pebble.

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一块鹅卵石进入了他的鞋里。A pebble lodged in his shoes.

它那双前爪紧紧抓住了一块小石子。His forepaws braced a pebble.

那边有个雨花石博物馆。There's a Yuhua pebble museum.

哪里是隐藏一颗卵石最佳的地方?Where is it best to hide a pebble?

房屋还安装了卵石蓄热炕。It is also installed with pebble beds.

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杰克不安的把脚趾在地上的鹅卵石上来回蹭着。Jack toed at a pebble on the pavement.

“Petros”是彼得的名字,意思是石头。"Petros, " Peter's name, meant pebble.

所以,一个60毫米直径的卵石。So, a sixty millimetre diameter pebble.

儿子应该拒绝选取鹅花石。The son should refuse to take a pebble.

卵石的起动有其特殊性。Incipit of pebble has its particularity.

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卵石的起动有其特殊性。Incipit of pebble has its particularity.

设想你将石子扔到静静的池塘中,池水会有什么反应?Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond.

男孩子们用橡树果打狗逗它玩。The boy tease the dog by pebble it with acorn.

这些话就象鹅孵石一样打中琼的胸膛。The words hit June like a pebble , in the ribs.

真相?一块石英?只一次,便成永远。Truth? A pebble of quartz? For once, then, something.

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无论是取出一块鹅卵石,折弯一片草叶,还是移动一份文件。A pebble dislodged, a blade of grass bent, a file moved.

那男孩用石子掷击小流氓的背脊。The boy gave the bully a pelt on the back with a pebble.

这些颗粒的大小变化范围,从粗粉砂级到砂级或细砂级。These may range from coarse silt to sand or pebble size.