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她离家去了尼姑庵。She left home and went to a nunnery.

去女修道院,现在就滚,你这卑劣的女人!Go to a nunnery. Go away right now, you dirty woman!

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大约二十五分钟后,他们终于走到了尼姑庵。After about 25 minutes, they finally walk to nunnery.

山上有一座尼姑庵,里面住着一个老尼姑。There is a nunnery on hill, there is an old nun inside.

为了到达这个尼姑庵,我们需要往回走。In order to get to the nunnery we need to leave the backhoe trajectory.

善款收益悉數拨捐「志蓮净苑教育基金」。All sales income will be donated to an education fund of Chi Lin Nunnery.

他指了指在山上望得见的有塔楼的寺院。He pointed to the turreted nunnery that could be seen on the mountainside.

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那女修道院的教堂是现在的基督教大教堂,是英国最小的大教堂。The nunnery chapel is now Christ Church Cathedral, the smallest cathedral in England.

尽管在达兰萨拉的一所尼姑庵里学习了19年,她没有受过正规教育。She does not have formal schooling in spite of 19 years studying at a nunnery in Dharamsala.

龙洞庵背依高山,坐北面南,掩映于苍松翠柏之中。The Longdong Nunnery hidden in pines and cypresses, backs on to the mountain and faces south.

婆婆住在尼姑庵里头,一个月里难得回家住两三天。Grandma is in a nunnery. At most she visits us once a month, and then only stays two or three days.

欧菲莉亚,你也是其中之一,去女修道院,现在就去,你这卑劣的女人。Ophelia, you are one of these dirty ones, too. Go to a nunnery. Go away right now, you dirty woman!

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一位裹着牛皮年长的牧人出现了,他笑着指着在我们上方远处的尼姑庵。An elderly nomad, wrapped in a cow’s hide, appears and points, laughing, to the nunnery high above us.

志莲净苑的唐式寺院正是由敦煌壁画的化育而生成。The Tang style monastic complex of the Chi Lin Nunnery was inspired by and modeled on Dunhuang murals.

曾经和中国教授们一同游广州,到一个名声不大好的尼庵里去看小尼姑。And he travelled up to Canton with Chinese colleagues to visit young novices in a nunnery of ill repute.

一般日常的生活中的原名一直相当于大约与一个修道院。The ordinary routine of life in a nunnery has always corresponded approximately with that of a monastery.

宝贝,别说我是黑心肝,不该舍弃你纯洁胸膛和恬静心灵的圣庵,却飞往战场与刀枪。Tell me not, Sweet, I am unkind That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind, To war and arms I fly.

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她听到远处教堂钟声剥离,提醒她说,很晚了,必须立即回到净。She hears distant church bells pealing, reminding her that she is late and must immediately return to the nunnery.

珍妮固执己见的父亲将小女婴自珍妮那抱走,送至一所遥远的女修道院让修女抚养。Jeanne's bigoted father takes the baby away from her and has it conveyed to a remote nunnery to be reared by the nuns.

和尚很愤怒,并开着他们的蓝色的宝马穷追,但终究让尼姑逃回她们的尼姑院了。Angered, the monks gave chase with their blue BMW's, however, the nuns managed to drive back to safety into their nunnery.