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释放杆枢轴表面。Release lever pivot surfaces.

重唱是整合歌剧主题的纽带。He was the pivot of the opera.

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有神失去了支点。It draws out the pivot of theism.

羽步并退左转步与滑轴步。Feather step fallaway reverse slip pivot.

用擂盘在旋转纸上画线,从A1点到胸点。Trace wheel through pivot paper, line A to BP.

如果你转向另一个方向,它也会随着变化。If you pivot in another direction, the app follows.

SOX9可能是SRY的一个下游基因,起着承前启后的作用。SOX9 is a downstream gene of SRY and plays pivot roles.

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跳步急停后,任何一只脚都可以成为中枢脚。After we made a jump stop, any foot can be a pivot foot.

夺取敌人控制的城镇,是我们计画的轴心。Capturing the enemy-held towns is the pivot of our plans.

那个高尔夫球手去练习场练习他的转身动作。The golfer went to the driving range to practice his pivot.

我们教练昨天下午教我们移动策应。Our coach taught the moving pivot to us yesterday afternoon.

枢轴的轴孔通常与驱动桥保持一致。The axle pivot bore is generally aligned with the drive axle.

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这个轴心点是一个您可以插入高速缓存的地方。The pivot point is one place where you can insert your cache.

比奥多姆、加索尔甚至科比更适合做中枢轴。Better in the pivot than Lamar Odom, Pau Gasol, and even Kobe.

每次都给我看一个建在中轴上的四角大楼吧。Give me an old-fashioned tetragon on a central pivot every time.

这份考察报告,可以支持“小句中枢”的理论和观点。This paper can be an attestation of the Theory of Clausal Pivot.

当价格返回到中间线,一个支点通常会发生。When price returns to the median line , a pivot will usually occur.

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移动旋转纸。用锅笔标出擂盘线。Remove the pivot paper. Use a pencil to mark over trace-wheel lines.

手臂桡骨和尺骨的连接关节是一个枢轴关节。The articulation of the radius and ulna in the arm is a pivot joint.

因为安逸未来,你也将会调整枢点。For ease in the future, you will also need to adjust the Pivot Point.