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一切照常进行。Everything proceeds as usual.

狡诈出自于蟥能力的缺乏。Cunning proceeds from want of capacity.

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小区广告牌收益应归谁所有?Small billboard proceeds shall may be owned?

她不断地捆着麦子,单调得就像时钟一样。Her binding proceeds with clock-like monotony.

从所得款项中扣除付予上述代理人。From Proceeds deduct to be paid to above Agent.

收益全部捐赠给圣菲研究所。Proceeds were donated to the Santa Fe Institute.

然后用得到的钱去购买暮林之弓。Then use the proceeds to purchase the Duskwood Bow.

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马上就穿上黑色皮线戴起来啰!Mummy proceeds to wear it on a black leather string.

福特年夜夫给布朗西席量血压。Dr. Ford proceeds to take Mr. Broun's blood pressure.

苏格拉底的城市论述历经几个转折。Socrates' city speech proceeds through several stages.

“猫粪”咖啡的销售收入将捐给慈善机构。The proceeds from the coffee sales will go to charity.

如果你们在一起工作,就要分配收入If we're all working together we divide up the proceeds.

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可可出口收入必须由央行以官价收购。Cocoa export proceeds must be surrendered to Bank of Ghana.

研究结果表明,反应是通过“回咬”实现的。The results show that the reaction proceeds via backbiting.

随着工程的进展,资金必须远远不断的流进来。As the project proceeds on, investment must keep flowing in.

有了这些收益,剧作家写新剧就有了报酬。From those proceeds dramatists were paid to write new plays.

他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.

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然后仍然让补全机制保持智能。then proceeds to make the completion mechanism smarter still.

我们一收到这项专款,就会马上付给你.We will give you the proceeds as soon as we collect the funds.

抱负是一切高尚操行的萌芽。Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds.