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他的工作与他的个性是相对的类型。His job was an antitype to his personality.

产业生命周期会影响技术知识移转类型。The industry life cycle will influence the technology transfer ring's antitype.

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最后,本文详细设计了基于框架的本体管理原型系统。In the end, the paper designs antitype system for ontology management based on frame.

在开发软件原型中,提出了一种进行不规则区域求交的新算法。During the development of the antitype , proposed a new calculation to seek anomalous area overlapping.

原型实验表明,系统的数据一致性保持策略是有效的。The antitype experiment shows that it is effective of the holding data consistency strategy in this system.

汲取不同类型的模型优点,并同人类原型予以比较,对解读近视本质和病因治疗有深远意义。How to take in the advantage from different models and compare to human antitype are most important to myopia.

同时,对数控机床的进给系统设计方法的研究也取得一定的效果。We have completed the antitype of the intelligent design system, and we have achieved the method of intelligent design.

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同时,如何设计并搭建出一个具有实用性的基于视觉的行人检测原型系统也为研究界与产业界所急需。At the same time, a practical and low-cost vision based PDS antitype system is also great needed by researchers and auto industry.

在马克思笔下,亚细亚所有制是原始公社所有制的残余形式,是古代的、日耳曼的所有制的原型,具有普遍意义。According to Karl Marx, the Asiatic ownership which is universal, is the remain of primitive communal ownership as well as the antitype of ancient and Germanic ownerships.

如果要选一个最爱,那会是非字型,因为它代表了我对于字型设计的兴趣和热情,且也是我许多其它设计的起始点。If I had to choose a favourite it would be The Antitype because it reflects my interest and passion for typography and it has been the starting point for many other designs.

原型系统的设计充分考虑了本体在知识系统中的应用需求,具有较强的可操作性、可移植性、通用性和易扩展性。The design of antitype system considers applied demand of reality in information system plenty. This system has strong maneuverability, naturalization, currency and expansibility.

宫城既是都城空间发展的起点和原型空间,也是其它空间定位展开的原点和定位维度。The palace city, the political nucleus of the ancient capital, is the starting point of its spatial development and the antitype space after Luoyang was chosen as the capital city.

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纤维增强硅酸钙复合实心轻质隔墙条板是在引进澳大利亚产品原型的基础上自主研发的,各项性能指标得到了全面的提升。Fiber reinforced calcium silicate board compound with light solid partition board was developed under the introduction of Australian antitype product, its performance index was improved also.