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这种鬼天气!Such weather!

我太不像话了“I'm such a jerk.

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他是个大骗子。He is such a liar.

她竟是这样一个势利眼!She's such a snob!

我真是一个大白痴。I was such an idiot.

唁,这样的家!Such a home, indeed!

你都是这样发的?You are such a hair?

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不要这样粗鲁!Don't be such a boor!

我有这样的一个系统。I have such a system.

他是个吝啬鬼。He is such a tightwad.

要游的距离太长了。It's such a long swim.

哪会有这种事?There's no such thing.

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她一口气喝了十杯酒。A drink of such liquor.

在这样的商店。Abbie ! at such stores.

老实人就是这样一本书。Candide is such a book.

他就是个惹人烦的人!He's such a boring man!

约翰是一个饶舌大王。John is such a windbag.

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根本就没有这种力There is no such thing.

说道,“你真是个好孩子。You're such a good kid.

才开了一半儿。After such a long drive.