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俭朴的生活,放弃一些娱乐性的购物。Live with less. Give up recreational shopping.

的缩写,意为“四轮驱动的休闲运动车”。Recreational Active Vehiclewith 4-wheel drive.

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我通常参加文娱活动。I usually took part in recreational activities.

这游戏室计划用于娱乐活动。The playroom is designed for recreational purpose.

保龄球和撞球是两种受欢迎的休闲活动。Bowling and pool are two popular recreational sports.

Ehow里面有关于怎样安全地进行娱乐性爬树的提示。Ehow has tips on how to do recreational tree climbing safely.

那时班上的文娱活动,都不会有我的份儿。Then the class recreational activities, will not have me out.

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当海洋娱乐区污染得不能让人参观时。When the ocean recreational area became too polluted to visit.

到澳大利亚,美洲的休闲运动卡丁车等。To Australia, the Americas, such as recreational sport Karting.

地区野生动物资源与休閒产业-蜻蛉。Local wildlife resources and recreational development ─ Frogs 5.

单车活动是一广受市民欢迎的康乐活动。Cycling acts as one of the popular public recreational activities.

我很少在舞会上或其它娱乐场合见到他。I seldom saw him in any dance or any other recreational occasions.

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地区野生动物资源与休閒产业-蛙类。Local wildlife resources and recreational development ─ Wildbirds 4.

运动和娱乐活动也是这种带子的用武之地。Sports and recreational activities make good use of this tape as well.

邮轮上的各种娱乐设施为您抚平旅途劳顿。The various recreational facilities for cruise you turn travel Lawton.

第二种是休閒使用者,只是喜欢兜风找乐子。The recreational user just likes gliding around for fun or to do chores.

协助维护保养所有健身中心设备设施。Co-ordinate the maintenance of all recreational facilities and equipment.

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千万别信什么下一个最好的东西.建个支出预算.把你的生活最简化.停止休闲购物.这将使你变成一个工作狂.并且没有那么多债务压力.Stop recreational shopping. This will keep you from becoming a workaholic.

赌徒起初的时候只是作为娱乐才间中赌博的。At first, when the gambler is only occasionally as a recreational gambling.

最后,藏有及售卖与康乐将毒品合法化。Eventually, possession and sale of recreational drugs will be decriminalized.