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他只不过是在耍牛脾气。He was just being obstinate.

你怎么能够这样固执呢?How could you be so obstinate?

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她固执得像头驴子。She was as obstinate as a mule.

但是我们这位贵客实在太固执。But our visitor was very obstinate.

但是我们这位贵客实在太固执。But our visitor was very obstinate.

这些草实在难以除尽。These weeds are really very obstinate.

一个是顽梗,另两个是顺服。One was obstinate , the others obedient.

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他是像他父亲一样顽固的家伙。He is an obstinate guy just like his father.

在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。It rubs to work under such an obstinate man.

这个商人在谈判中拗强固执。The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

很难和一个顽固的老头子讲道理。It is difficult to reason with an obstinate old man.

却因刚强性情违师教。But with my obstinate nature, I disobey his instructions.

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你可以询问一下你如此固执已见的原因吗?Can I inquire about your reasons for being so obstinate ?

神看作顽梗的软弱,我们却称之为力量。What God looks on as obstinate weakness, we call strength.

大家都知道她是一个刁蛮的丫头。It is known to all that she is a shrewd and obstinate girl.

这孩子从小就倔,有一股牛性子。The kid has been obstinate and bullheaded from his childhood.

他回来时皱眉蹙额,板着脸,嘴上却快活地吹着口哨。He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily.

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这种人他们自以为是,刚愎自用。Men of complacence are obstinate and consider they always right.

他这人太犟了,大家都不愿意跟他说话。He was so obstinate that no one would like to have a word with him.

我认为自满,就是我所指的心之凶德。他们自以为是,刚愎自用。Men of complacence are obstinate and consider themselves always right.