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她母亲是一个勤俭的主妇。Her mother is a thrifty housewife.

他们富有,是因为他们非常节俭?Are they rich because they're so thrifty?

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简朴的农夫正忙着耕田种地。And thrifty farmers, as they tilled the earth.

对我们来说在日常生活中节俭是很有必要的。It is nessary for us to be thrifty in daily life.

胆小鬼说自己谨慎,守财奴称自己节俭。Cowards call themselves cautious and misers thrifty.

我要成为一个节俭的人,把钱省下来去旅行。I want to be a thrifty person to save money to travel.

勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。Diligence is a money-spinner, thrifty is the cornucopia.

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只有特别节俭的孩子能把存钱罐填满。Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money-box.

只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。Only very thrifty chirdren manage to fill up a money-box.

家长们在试着鼓励孩子节约。Parents are trying to encourage the children to be thrifty.

殷彩霞是那帮姐妹里最节俭的女孩。She was the thrifty one among her buddies of working girls.

只有非常节俭的孩子才会去填满存钱罐。Only very thrifty children managed to fill up a money boxes.

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人人说他小气,可我看他不过是俭省。Everyone calls him tight-fisted,but I see he is just thrifty.

早年艰苦生活的回忆使这个老妇人极度俭省。Memories of hard years made the old woman excessively thrifty.

节俭的生活方式并不一定意味着什么都不做。Living a thrifty lifestyle does not have to mean doing without.

节俭的人每个月为了下雨天预留一些钱。The thrifty man sets aside some money each month for a rainy day.

这条新闻指出刘亦菲太小气了连一件名牌礼服都不舍得买。The news said she is too thrifty to buy a real famous brand dress.

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那个节俭的农民难得吃好菜好饭让自己享受一下。The thrifty farmer seldom. if ever. indulge himself with good food.

“他在节省体力。”加林眼睛一亮。"He is in the thrifty physical strength. "Add eyes lumber a bright.

合理规划你的时间,因为它既不可以储存也不可以购买。Be thrifty with your time because you can’t save it or buy any more.