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请给我加一条毯子。Pls. get me a blanket.

我会和你分享毛毯。I will share the blanket.

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他静静地躺在他的毛毯上。He lay down on his blanket.

我把毯子拉过来盖在身上。I pulled the blanket over me.

做你伙伴的电热毯。Be your mate's eletric blanket.

毛毯织不齐,就去学编席。Blanket woven, went to learn Ed.

电热毯只有50瓦。Electric blanket is only 50 watts.

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他给自己盖上一床毯子。He covered himself with a blanket.

他用一条毯子把自己裹起来。He rolled himself up in a blanket.

请把毛毯和枕头给我好吗?May I have a blanket and a pillow?

这是我钩的一个毯子。This is a blanket I am crocheting.

他在她身上又盖了一条毯子。He put another blanket on her body.

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她用毯子紧紧裹住自己。She huddled herself in the blanket.

她用毛毯把身体裹起来。She rolled herself up in a blanket.

裁缝拿开包裹上的毯子。The tailor pulled away the blanket.

商业化的图书充斥市场。Commercial books blanket the market.

冬天我用电热毯。In winter I use an electric blanket.

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这条毛毯多漂亮呀!How beautiful the woollen blanket is!

请给孩子盖一层毯子。Please cover the baby with a blanket.

她把毯子拉过来盖在孩子身上。She pulled the blanket over the child.