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你必定是一个雅典人或西哥特人。You must be an Athenian or a Visigoth.

雅典的集会所就是他的讲堂。The Athenian agora was his teaching room.

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可以肯定的是,雅典式民主并非美式民主。To be sure, Athenian democracy is not American democracy.

所以,他并没有,雅典公民权的保障。Therefore, he lacked the protection of Athenian citizenship.

为了替儿子报仇,波塞冬拉着阿瑞斯到雅典法官面前要求审判战神。In retaliation, Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial.

他所指的是三十暴君,成立于雅典兵败之后。He's referring to the Tyranny of the Thirty that existed after the Athenian defeat.

帝国这种病,就像修昔底德说的,会最终扼杀雅典人的民主。The disease of empire, according to Thucydides, would finally kill Athenian democracy.

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雅典的陪审法庭创建于梭伦改革时期,最初附属于公民大会。Athenian Jury Court, established by Solon, was attached to the Assembly in the beginning.

它所捍卫的哲学式王权本身,即是直接与雅典民主,断绝关系。Its defense of philosophic kingship is itself a direct repudiation of Athenian democracy.

斯巴达人从雅典卫城撤回驻军,民主得以恢复。The Spartans withdrew their garrison from the Athenian Acropolis, and democracy was restored.

比数悬殊,他是无辜的人数,明显比雅典陪审团多出许多。Not exactly the same proportion, believe in his innocence than in the Athenian jury obviously.

做一个雅典人就是要高度尊重知识,尤其要高度尊重对知识的探求。To be an Athenian is to hold knowledge and, especially the quest for knowledge in high esteem.

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柏拉图生于雅典贵族家庭,在伯罗奔尼撒战争中长大。Plato was born into an aristocratic Athenian family, and he grew up during the Peloponnesian War.

可是雅典的既有政治基础不可能理性地处理国家事务。A rational state of affairs could not come about on the basis of Athenian politics-as-usual, however.

因此深入研究贵族议事会在雅典民主政治时期的作用,对于我们深入认识雅典民主社会的性质会有所启发。So the study on the function of Areopagus will be useful for us to understand the Athenian democracy.

亚历山大大帝死后,帕迪卡斯巴萨默斯岛上的雅典居民驱逐到克勒芬。After the death of Alexander the Great, Perdiccas expelled the Athenian settlers on Samos to Colophon.

雅典的女性都不允许做医生,于是Agnodike乔装成男人研究医学。Athenian women were not allowed to be doctors so Agnodike disguised herself as a man to study medicine.

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希腊女神雅典娜的庙宇,帕特农神庙建于公元前5世纪雅典卫城上。Greek goddess Athena's temple, The Parthenon was built in the 5th century BC on the Athenian Acropolis.

在雅典的山丘上,伊莎多拉召集了一班希腊小男孩跟在自己身边,教他们跳舞。In the Athenian hills Isadora gathered a class of small Grecian boys about her. She taught them dances.

苏格拉底,公元前5世纪古希腊雅典人,在中外学术界作为一个哲学家的地位已被确定。Socrates, Athenian Greek in 5 B. C. , has been defined a distinguished philosopher by academic circles.