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我们的船逆流而行。Our ship stemmed on against the current.

这一切都源于我四岁时自己所说的谎言。It all stemmed from a lie I told when I was 4.

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显然,这一警告是源自未经调查的报告。Apparently, this stemmed from uninvestigated reports.

我们遏止了移民归化手续费的上涨。And we’ve stemmed the increases in naturalization fees.

然而这一次,下跌的趋势在数月内被遏制。This time, though, the decline was stemmed within months.

装听之前,这些草莓得去掉果梗。The strawberries should be stemmed before they are tinned.

他们的特权来自于财富,而财富源于他们的领地Privilege came from wealth and wealth stemmed from the land.

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它来源于想要保持一个低数目的非科学性的要求。It stemmed from an unscientific desire to keep the numbers low.

这是缺乏自信的表现,源于幼年时代。It was a want of self-assurance that stemmed from early childhood.

成矿流体来源于岩浆水,并有海水混入。Metallogenic fluid stemmed from magmatic water and mixed with seawater.

这些想法实际来源于我2002年写的一些刊物文章题目。These ideas actually stemmed from some journal entries I wrote in 2002.

上月大多数购房行为都源于被取消抵押赎回权的住房的减价出售。Much of the buying last month stemmed from fire sales of foreclosed homes.

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这件事情的发生是由于球员争取胜利的信念和队友之间的支持。It stemmed from players wanting to win games and backing up your team-mates.

时光穿梭在我指间,无悔地绽放开朵朵涟漪。Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples.

当前的罢工浪潮起因于下岗人员的不满情绪。The current strike wave stemmed from the discontented of the laid-off workers.

一位年轻的女士认为她的无聊是源自于令人无趣的社交生活。One young woman believed her boredom stemmed from an uninteresting social life.

所有的人类技术发明实质上都源于石制手斧的发展。All human technology stemmed essentially from the developmentof the stone hand-axe.

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我认为我的疑惑来源这么一个事实,我错误理解了KSplice。I suppose my confusion stemmed from the fact that I misunderstood what ksplice was.

有时源于其他资产下跌时黄金的避险地位。At times, that stemmed from gold's safe-haven status as other asset classes tumbled.

王夫之的政治思想,肇因于对明王朝灭亡之教训的总结。Wang's political theory stemmed from his reflection on the fall of the Ming Dynasty.