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他的手臂上青筋暴露。His arm veins twitched.

我们在叶子上可以看到叶脉。We can see veins on a leaf.

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膝盖酸痛,腿上静脉曲张。Knee pain and varicose veins.

她热血沸腾。The blood drubbed in her veins.

像她的脉管一样蓝的风信子。An azured harebell like her veins.

而一切基于叶脉。And veins are the basis of it all.

他额角上暴起了青筋。Blue veins stood out on his temples.

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一阵寒冷的恐惧流遍全身。A cold fear thrilled through my veins.

交叉双腿会导致静脉曲张?Does crossing legs cause spider veins?

他的血管里沸腾着英雄的热血。In his veins dances the blood of hero.

她血管里流的是纯吉卜赛人的血液。She has pure gypsy blood in her veins.

反过来,这就意味着需要许多大型叶脉。That, in turn, means lots of big veins.

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而今这些血管就要干净,像是火葬的灰烬。And now these veins will purge like pyres.

它有着鲜艳的红色和清晰的脉络。It was bright red with well-defined veins.

血管里的血液流入心脏。The veins empty themselves into the heart.

这可能导致疝气或静脉曲张。This can lead to hernias or varicose veins.

然后,血液又经由血管从阴蒂输送出来。Veins then carry blood out of the clitoris.

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这样的波澜在修女的心中意味着什么?What means this tumult in a vestal's veins?

这样的波澜在修女的心中意味着什幺?What means this tumult in a vestal's veins?

因为我的手里有星星纹。Because there is stellated veins in my hand.