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什么都不对,我伤透了心.nothings right,i'm torn.

通知被人撕下来。The notice was torn down.

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小风为此伤透了心。Small wind therefore torn.

他们希望清真寺被拆掉。They want mosques torn down.

我看你都哭成泪人儿了。I can see you're all torn up.

你能织补撕破的袖子吗?Can you knit a torn sleeve up?

他的衣服破烂不堪了。His clothes were torn to rags.

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并于2005年右韧带撕裂。In 2005, torn right hamstring.

她能织补撕破的袖子。She could knit a torn sleeve up.

树被大风拔了起来。The tree was torn up by the gale.

信封封缄被人撕开了。The envelope's seal was torn open.

老的秀水街早已被拆了。The old Silk street was torn down.

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暴风雨中我们的屋顶被掀掉。Our roof was torn off in the storm.

她在爱与恨之间徘徊。She was torn between love and hate.

被撕成碎片的这胸膛是祢。This chest torn into pieces is You.

它老了,鞋带破旧了。it is old and the shoelace is torn.

他们已拆毁了那幢旧建筑。They have torn off the old building.

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她在两个选择之间无从选择。She was torn between the two choices.

人撕破了人本人独一的一件好衬衫。I have torn the only good shirt I own.

风把破纸袋不知道吹到哪里去了。The wind takes the torn paper sack away.