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主要问题是一年生阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems.

主要问题是一年生阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems.

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阔叶长绿灌木,如月桂、北美杜鹃花等。Broadleaf evergreen shrub such as laurel, rhododendron, etc.

山野豌豆和栽培山黎豆的核型研究。The study on karyotypes of broadleaf vetch and grass pea vine.

阔叶长绿树包括长绿木兰、蓖麻树等等。Broadleaf evergreen tree such as evergreen magnolia, castor tree, etc.

蝶类主要分布在常绿阔叶林。These butterfly species are mainly distributed in evergreen broadleaf forests.

不过,也有落叶树形成树带线的例子。There are some areas, however, where broadleaf deciduous trees form the timberline.

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红腹柄天牛是阔叶树的重要害虫之一。Aphrodisium faldermannii rufiventris Gressitt is an important pest of broadleaf trees.

总体上讲,黄桷树相对数量偏大,常绿阔叶树偏少,且树种较单一。As a whole, the relative amount of evergreen broadleaf was fewer and its kind was simple.

沙冬青是我国西北荒漠地区唯一的超旱生常绿阔叶灌木树种,现渐近濒危状态。As the only evergreen broadleaf species in sand area of China, Ammopiptanthus is endangered.

植被为落叶阔叶林向森林草原、草原、荒漠草原植被型的过渡区。Vegetation transites from deciduous broadleaf trees to forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe.

结果表明,针叶树种耗水速率低于阔叶树种。The results indicated that the average water consumption rate of broadleaf trees was more than conifer trees.

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在田间条件下,用苯磺隆加增效剂对麦田阔叶杂草的除草效果进行了试验。Field experiments in wheat were conducted to determine broadleaf weed control efficacy of tribenuron plus synergist.

为提高草沙地系统稳定性,采用阔叶树混交方式营建草沙地防护林。Protection Forest on sandy meadow was established by mixing broadleaf trees to raise stability of sandy meadow system.

拟赤杨是一种生长快,干形直,用途广的优良速生阔叶树种。Alniphyllum fortunei is a fast growing broadleaf specie, which has straight stem form and can be used for many pur-poses.

白冠长尾雉是典型的林栖鸟类,栖息的生境为亚热带常绿林和常绿、落叶混交林。The habitat of the Reeves's Pheasant is in the subtropical evergreen forest and mixed forest of evergreen and broadleaf woods.

马缨杜鹃是百里杜鹃森林公园长绿阔叶林群落组成中主要的建群种和优势种。Rhododendron delavayi is an important constructive and dominant species of evergreen and broadleaf forest in Bali Azalea Forest Park.

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茶的原植物开始从山茶科向其他科属发展,最有代表性的是苦丁茶。At the beginning, the original plants of tea were Theaceae, but now more genera are included, the broadleaf holly leaf is a good example.

马缨杜鹃是百里杜鹃森林公园常绿阔叶林群落组成中主要的建群种和优势种。Rhododendron delavayi Franch is an important constructive and dominant species of evergreen and broadleaf forest in Bali Azalea Forest Park.

常绿阔叶杂交杜鹃具有较高的观赏价值和园林利用价值,因而建立组培快繁体系具有重要意义。It is of significance to establish in vitro culture system for broadleaf evergreen rhododendron hybrids since its high appreciation and landscape value.