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我笑他装模作样。I laughed at his histrionics.

在这个阶段,大呼小叫和装腔作势都将减少。In this phase, the shouts and histrionics will abate somewhat.

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在欧盟外交方面德国从不装模作样。When it comes to EU diplomacy Germany does not do histrionics.

这些斗嘴的托尔斯泰们和他们夸张的表演真令人恼火。These squabbling Tolstoys and their stilted histrionics were conceited and exasperating.

因此,演献症患者是“不适当的有诱惑力”并且有多个性伴侣。Histrionics are, therefore, “inappropriately seductive” and have multiple sexual liaisons and partners.

演献症患者用性行为来支持她们的自尊,调节她们不安定的自尊感。Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth.

抛开结果来讲,他们来到这里尽全力去比赛,没有恶意的犯规和球员的做作表演。Credit where it's due, despite the result they cameandtriedtoplay football without cynical fouls or player histrionics.

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这是一个很有影响力的故事,本年度最佳影片之一,叙事清晰明了,有引人注目的技术细节,表演真实自然,没有绞尽脑汁的装模作样。This is a powerful story, one of the year's best films, told with great clarity and remarkable technical detail, and acted without pumped-up histrionics.

因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其余的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider, and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other.

因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其馀的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider , and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other.