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为什么会集体选择小北?Why have they collectively chosen Xiaobei?

我们集体报名考全民英检。We collectively enter our names for taking the GEPT.

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如今竟有了几十个,合起来称为“首席团队”。Now they have dozens, collectively called the “c-suite”.

活动定义共同完成这个任务。Activities are defined that collectively complete the Task.

所以这真是进退两难,需要合力解决。So it really is a dilemma which has to be solved collectively.

喧闹声中,观众们开始共同辨认出一个“5”。The audience collectively begins to discern a "5" in the noise.

创建研究小组,共同地实现特定的认证。Create a study group to collectively achieve a certain certification.

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老师说这周五要集体开班会。The teacher said that we would collectively have a meeting this Friday.

至少在表面上,农村的土地为农村的居民所共有。In name at least, rural land is collectively owned by village residents.

一个个人和集体重新想象这个世界将变成什么样的地方。A place to individually and collectively re-imagine how the world can be.

推进集体企业改革和发展。We will promote reform and development of collectively owned enterprises.

活动则被分配到个体并共同完成这个任务。Activities are assigned to individuals and collectively complete the task.

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我开车顺着一条乡下小路前行,我一经全体迷路了。I'm driving collectively a country roadvertising oned I'm completely lost.

但是我相信我会融入这个班集体变的越来越好。But I think I will fit into the class collectively become better and better.

两年来,我们一道尽情沉浸在与衰退有关的伤心事里。For two years now, we have collectively gorged on tales and deeds of downfall.

上述全部文件下文中统称为“交易文件”。All documents shall be collectively referred to as the "Transaction Documents".

好吧,总的来说我们要带吉他,贝斯,鼓,放大器和史酷比零食。Ok, collectively it would be Guitar, Bass, Drums, Amplifiers, and ScoobySnacks.

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本司律属福建省老干局,集体所有制企业。The Division of Law in Fujian Province Lao Ganju, collectively owned enterprises.

我们共同抛弃所有宗教的人越多,这星球就会变得越好。The more we collectively abandon all religion, the better off this planet will be.

丙烯酰胺聚合物是丙烯酰胺的均聚物及其共聚物的统称。Acrylamide polymers are homopolymers of acrylamide and its copolymers collectively.