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他赌马赢了钱。He wins the bet.

谁是最大的赢家?Who wins the most?

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他能得民心。He wins people's hearts.

然而,假如红队赢了呢?And if the Red Team wins?

最终科学获得胜利。In the end, science wins.

从“四天胜利法”做起。Start with four-day wins.

这支队已连赢五场比赛了。The team has had five wins.

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哪边赢?爱。爱总是赢的。Love wins. Love always wins.

快来吧,本德。不管谁赢。Come on, Bender. Whoever wins.

我希望许格·雷·李纳能赢。I hope Sugar Ray Leonard wins.

求婚者,赢得美人归。The last suitor wins the maid.

假如非美国公民赢得奖金如何领取?What if a non-US citizen wins?

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又是谁,会打赢这些战斗?And who wins from these battles?

在这种情况下,人人都赢。In this scenario, everyone wins.

对2,1小一些。I've realized 1 versus 2, 1 wins.

当你这样做时,人人都是赢家。When you do this, everybody wins.

我们的足球队每战必胜。Our football team wins every time.

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那头牛总是在农展会上获奖。It always wins a prize at the show.

兔子跑得快,总是它赢。赢!Rabbit is faster is it always wins.

她赢得了B的一半She wins B with probability a half.