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鸡英上袖位打褶。Pleated cuff at sleeve join.

检查袖带是否偏小?Is the Pressure Cuff Too Small ?

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从脚踝到袖口的针织罗纹。Knit ribbing from ankle to cuff.

我不擅长即席演讲。I’m not good at speaking off the cuff.

袖口层层菏叶边优雅浪漫。Cuff He leaf edges elegant romance layers.

测量从肩缝到袖口。Measured from the shoulder seam to the cuff.

宽袖孔、窄袖口的袖子。A sleeve with a large armhole and tight cuff.

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这就像是医生的探测仪一样的。This cuff is just like the one of the doctor.

因为这顿饭不要钱,所以他吃得津津有味。He enjoyed his meal because it was on the cuff.

好的。还要点别的吗?领带夹?袖钮?Good. Anything else? The tie pins? The cuff links?

他用袖口擦擦鼻子,清了清嗓子。He wiped his nose on his cuff and cleared his throat.

“弄翻他,扣起来!”科长发话了。"Flip him over, cuff him! " the section chief yelled.

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拉带式针织袖口的细节很容易打开和关闭。Pull-on style with knit cuff detail for easy on and off.

因为胶质瘤不会有血管周围套特征。Since gliomas donot give this perivascular cuff feature.

我的命是关在门外,利石,被脚踢着,怒!But shut door, and sharp stone, and cuff and kick, and hate.

较优越的温暖的外套袖口扩展笞刑密封。Extended gauntlet seals over jacket cuff for superior warmth.

三个警察一齐不能给一个5尺1寸,126磅的女人带上手铐?Three cops put together couldn't cuff a 5'1, 126 poundswoman?

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田在天写了一个短信内容是,袖口限量版。Tian wrote a message content is in day, cuff limited edition.

唐糖在病房里问程超群那个袖扣到底是谁丢的。Tang sugar ask cheng superior the cuff links in ward who lost.

这些泵的声音被记录在与套袖相连的表上。These pumping sounds register on a gauge attached to the cuff.