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天水华天微电子有限公司。Tianshui Huatian Microelectronics Co. , Ltd.

微电子学的基础是近代固体物理。The foundation of microelectronics is modern solid state physics.

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他对微电子学的研究很有创见。He has lots of original ideas about the research into microelectronics.

它是从微电子学到奈米电子学的自然演进。It would be a natural evolution of microelectronics to become nanoelectronics.

文章以意法半导体的手机摄像头项目为研究对象。This paper's background is the mobile-phone camera module project of ST Microelectronics.

在新加坡理工学院受训的一年期间,将着重培养学员在微电子以及机电一体化方面的理论知识和技能。During the year in Singapore the students will focus on microelectronics and mechatronics.

饿发大大啊擦西哈把戏几方面嗯乁几哈尔滨市微电子技术。Hungry, wiping Xiha trick greatly ah ah I several areas in Harbin, microelectronics technology.

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不过他依然相当乐观,并认为这种方式将超越微电子学的范畴。He remains optimistic, though, and feels that the approach could scale up beyond microelectronics.

光敏聚酰亚胺广泛用于微电子领域的绝缘层和保护层。Photosensitive polyimides are widely used as protection and insulation layers for microelectronics.

在微电子学和计算机技术上有专长的工程技术人员正研制机器人的人工视觉。Engineers skilled in microelectronics and computer technology are developing artificial vision for robots.

2004年2月17日,夏普微电子公司基于ARM922T内核的32位系统芯片LH7A404开始批量生产。February 17 2004, SHARP Microelectronics Corporation began to mass produce 32-bit ARM922T-Based LH7A404 SoC.

本文介绍了一种新颖的悬臂梁式,内藏集成电荷放大器的低输出阻抗压电加速度计。The paper introduces a new type piezoelectric accelerometer with built-in microelectronics change amplifier.

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同时,也是国腾微电子进入民用芯片区域的斗胆测验考试。In the meantime, also be the bold attempt that the country vacates microelectronics to enter civil chip area.

最后着重介绍了晶片键合技术在微电子学领域中的应用。Furthermore, specific introduction is given to the applications of wafer bonding technology in microelectronics.

三维微电子学主要研究三维集成电路的设计与制造。Three-dimensional microelectronics focuses on the design and fabrication technology for 3-D integrated circuits.

该公司的微电子中心作为BAE系统公司第二大半导体工厂,获得可信赖的待遇。The company’s Microelectronics Center is the second BAE Systems semiconductor facility to achieve trusted status.

真空微电子技术和相对论电子学为微波真空电子器件的发展,奠定了更为广阔的基础。Vacuum microelectronics snd relativistic electronics give the more wide basis for the microwave tube developments.

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JEDEC固态技术协会是微电子产业的全球领导性标准制定机构。JEDEC Solid State Technology Association is the global leader in developing standards for the microelectronics industry.

在过去几十年里,HIC、MCM、SOC等技术在微电子领域内起到了重要作用。In the past few decades, HIC , MCM , SOC and other technologies play an important roles in the fields of microelectronics.

宽带隙半导体材料和高介电常数材料是当今微电子领域的前沿研究课题。Wide-band semiconductors and high-K dielectrics are two of the cutting-edge research focuses in microelectronics industry.