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与四邻和睦相处。Live in concord with sb.

和谐悦耳的声音如此美妙。If the true concord of well-tuned sounds.

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她是“康科德的圣人”A.布朗森.奥尔科特的女儿。Bronson Alcott, the “Sage of Concord.” Her

领这位先生到协和轩去!Gentleman's valise and hot water to Concord.

把先生的箱子、还有热水送去。Gentleman's valise and hot water to Concord.

于协和广场荃湾店已正式开幕。Tsuen Wan Shop at G41 Concord Square opened.

记者们蜂拥而入她在康科德的家。Reporters descended upon her house, in Concord.

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两口子和睦融洽地住在一起。The couple dwelt together in harmony and concord.

法语动词与主语的配合问题是一项很复杂的语法内容。The subject-verb concord in French is a complex grammar item.

英国军队进军康科德意图收缴当地的军用物资。British troops marched to Concord to destroy military supplies.

英语中动词与主语必须一致。In English, there must be concord between a verb and its subject.

这批从列克星敦和康科德出发的男子是我国的爱国先驱。Those men of Lexington and Concord were among our first patriots.

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这是在康科德的冠冕上的第一滴水明珠。It is a gem of the first water which Concord wears in her coronet.

但是在洛厄尔,只要我喜欢,就能乘着火车去康科德。But from Lowell I could get to Concord by train as often as I liked.

名列下面康抗寒性和熟更早一些。It ranks below Concord in cold hardiness and ripens somewhat earlier.

协和生产中小型轴承大集群,蓝黑色浆果。Concord produces medium-sized clusters bearing large, blue-black berries.

反抗迅速波及整个莱克星顿,英国军队撤退至康科德。Resistance melted away at Lexington, and the British moved on to Concord.

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英语中,限定词和名词在数上应该保持一致。In English the determiner and the noun it precedes should concord in number.

可怜的孩子,我想可能是得了流感了。我们带她到协和医院吧。Poor girl, I guess it must be the flu. Let's take her to the Concord Hospital.

协和无籽,虽然类似的风味和质地的康科德,是毫无关系。Concord Seedless , though similar in flavor and texture to Concord, is unrelated.