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天啊,没想到我和洁儿同时被困在提款机室!I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!

玄关在日本和韩国的家庭都有的。Vestibule of the family in Japan and South Korea have.

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现在在中国家庭有玄关的也比较多。Now in the vestibule of the Chinese families also are more.

我急速冲过门厅,满脑子想的全是那些门厅谋杀事件。I dash through the vestibule with visions of vestibule murders.

天啊,没想到我和洁儿同时被困在提款机室?Oh my God, I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!

噢,我的天,他和吉儿古德克被困在ATM自助提款小厅了!Oh my God. I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!

“玄关”是由户外入户的过渡专用空间。The vestibule is a special transit space from outdoor to indoor.

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希望能够对技工学校的教学改革提供一些有益的借鉴。It hopes that the text can be beneficial to the other vestibule school.

用两扇旋转式的玻璃门作为房屋的入口,创造出冬季的门廊。Two pivoting glass doors close off the entry creating a winter vestibule.

这个世界显然是另一个世界的前厅,这儿没有幸福的人。In this world, evidently the vestibule of another, there are no fortunate.

中央正方体从视觉高度上凸出,保证了自然光的采用。The center square emerges to bring light from the heights of the vestibule.

Genovese受了伤,但是还活着,她跑进自己公寓楼的前厅。Genovese, who was wounded but alive, ran into a vestibule of her apartment building.

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前庭餐厅的前庭是非常鼓舞的打褶时装面料的设计概念。Restaurant's vestibule is highly inspired by fashion design concept of pleating fabric.

过厅充满了一片乱糟糟的喧嚣和醉汉嘶哑的喘息声。The vestibule was filled with the unseemly sounds of scuffling and drunken, husky gasping.

目的探讨实验性膜迷路积水前庭损害的机制。Objective To explore the mechanism for the experimental vestibule damage in endolymphatic hydrops.

确实,看到养在昏暗的玄关等处的水仙,会给人以一种点了灯似的感觉。Indeed, an arrangement of narcissuses in the murky vestibule lights up the space like a soft spotlight.

大概两小时后我听到那男的从上面爬到门厅里去弄配电柜。没弄好。About two hours later, I heard the man climb from the above to vestibule to handle switch board, but in vain.

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突然,另一声刺耳的女人的叫喊,从门廊传了过来,接着,厨娘跑进了客厅。Suddenly a new sound, a shrill, feminine shriek, was heard from the porch, and the cook ran into the vestibule.

第二天早上,我发现门口走廊的地板上有个信封,里面有三美元和一张致谢的便条。The next morning I found an envelope on my vestibule floor. Inside were three dollar bills and a thank-you note.

各气道气流主要为层流,鼻前庭和鼻咽部气流变化剧烈。Simulated airflows were laminar mainly in the nasal passage and varied dramatically in the vestibule and nasopharynx.