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你能和卫理公会教徒结婚吗?Could you actually marry a Methodist?

卫理公会圣钟之声我还能听见。I can still hear the sounds of those Methodist bells.

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身为一名卫理公会教徒,他是禁欲的热情拥护者。As a methodist he was a fervent advocate of temperance.

雷夫.迪安.贝利在联合卫理公会教堂的后排座位上。Rev. Dean Bailey in the back pew of Alto United Methodist Church.

1791年3月二日,是主要的创始人循道卫理运动。Mar. 2, 1791, was the principal founder of the Methodist movement.

但她早就离开天主教会,加入了卫里公教会。But she has long left the Catholic Church and attends a Methodist church.

我还会见了当地卫理公会的牧师维克.尼克松以及他的妻子弗莱蒂。I also met the local Methodist minister, Vic Nixon, and his wife, Freddie.

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开始于1739年,他建立了全国各地循道卫理社会。Beginning in 1739 he established Methodist societies throughout the country.

该校与天水围循道卫理中学采用「一条龙」办学模式。The school and Tin Shui Wai Methodist College adopt the 'through-train' mode.

据了解,该图书馆很有可能建在得克萨斯州达拉斯市的南卫理工会大学。The library is likely to be built at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

他是一名童子军,他的军团在距离我们住所一个街区的圣詹姆士卫理公会教堂集会。He was a Cub Scout in the pack that met at St.James Methodist Church, a block from our apartment.

田在内的七个受害人都因擦伤和瘀伤被送往卫理公会教派医院。Seven of the victims, including Tian, were treated at Methodist Hospital for scrapes and bruises.

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还有其他分支,诸如俄国东正教、罗马天主教和卫理公会派。There are other branches such as Russian Orthodox, the Roman Catholic, and the Methodist churches.

牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查的,中国基督教卫理公会表明谈他的教区。The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie of the Chinese Methodist Church is shown talking to his parishioners.

克林顿夫人着重强调她生来就是卫理公会派教徒这一资历,她说她甚至曾经考虑过做一名牧师。Mrs Clinton has stressed her credentials as a cradle Methodist who once thought of becoming a minister.

一个世界性的服务将于卫在威斯敏斯特中央大厅前的示威活动。An ecumenical service will be held at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster prior to the demonstrations.

在第二章,笔者追溯了弗莱的的福音派卫理教家庭对他的宗教思想的形成所产生的影响。Then, in chapter II, the author traces Frye's Evangelical Methodist family's influence on Frye's thinking.

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她盼望着卫理公会教派骑马巡回的罗伯特?埃亚牧师的偶然造访。She looked forward to the occasional visits of the minister, Robert Ayers, who was a Methodist circuit rider.

支持我的还有皇后区众议员弗洛伊德.弗拉克,他也是艾伦非裔卫理公会主教派教堂的牧师。So did Queens congressman Floyd Flake, who was also the minister of Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church.

那天,安娜给西弗吉尼亚格拉夫顿的安德鲁斯循道宗圣公会教堂送去500朵白色康乃馨。Miss Anna Jarvis sent 500 white carnations to the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, in Grafton, West Virginia.