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目的探索人体钩虫易感因素。Objective To determine the infection factors of hookworm.

未见钩虫生殖细胞超微结构明显变化。No apparent alterations were observed in genital cells of hookworm.

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可见,长沙市钩虫感染比较严重,开展钩虫病的预防工作十分必要。The results indicated that it was necessary to prevent hookworm disease in Changsha.

土壤和水样中虫卵和钩蚴污染率亦明显下降。The egg and hookworm larva pollution rates of soil and water samples also decreased obviously.

目的为观察伊维菌素驱治犬钩虫和人钩虫感染的效果。Objective To observe the efficacy of Ivermectin against Ancylostoma caninum and human hookworm infections.

目的观察伊维菌素和阿苯达唑伍用驱治钩虫和鞭虫感染的疗效。Objective To observe the curative effects of ivermectin combined with albendazole against hookworm and whipworm.

目的观察三苯双脒肠溶片对钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫和蛲虫感染的驱虫效果和可能发生的不良反应。Objective To observe the curative effects of ivermectin combined with albendazole against hookworm and whipworm.

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这是一个寄生虫疾病分布和预防的图集,其中包括了蛔虫、十二指肠虫和鞭虫。It's an atlas of the distribution and prevalence of helminth diseases, including roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.

这是一个寄生虫疾病分布和预防的图集,其中包括了蛔虫、十二指肠虫和鞭虫。It’s an atlas of the distribution and prevalence of helminth diseases, including roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.

凯里的饮食习惯改变是从2008年开始的,那年她到摩洛哥度假,结果肠道受到寄生虫感染。Kerry's eating habits changed after a holiday to Morocco in 2008, during which she picked up an infection of hookworm.

表明海南系以美洲钩虫为主的两种钩虫混合感染流行区。The result shows that Hainan Island is an endemic area of both species of hookworm with Necator americanus as the main species.

长期以来,福建省是以十二指肠钩虫为主的两种钩虫混合流行区。Fujian province has been known to be endemk for mixed hookworm infection with Ancylostoma duodenale e as the predominant species.

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涤虫在狗身上也比较常见而且比其它诸如蛔虫,钩虫那样普通的寄生虫要难对付的多。Tapeworms are not uncommon in dogs and are much more difficult to treat than other common worms like the roundworm or the hookworm.

采集安徽和四川两省的十二指肠钩虫,用PCR技术扩增COI基因,同时测序并用MEGA软件进行遗传差异的分析。COI genes of hookworm was amplified from hookworm genomic DNA by PCR and sequenced. Program MEGA was used for the sequence analysis.

一些药品已经分发到发展中国家,这些药能够有效防治诸如钩虫这样的寄生虫,对传播疟疾的罪魁祸首蚊子来说也是致命的。Some drugs already distributed in the developing world to combat parasites such as hookworm are also toxic to the malaria-transmitting Anopheles mosquito.

结论伊维菌素治疗鞭虫感染疗效优于阿苯达唑,治疗蛔虫感染疗效与阿苯达唑相同,治疗钩虫、蛲虫感染疗效不及阿苯达唑。Conclusion Ivermectin shows similar effect on Ascaris with albendazole, better effect on Trichuris and poorer effect on hookworm and Enterobius than albendazole.

钩虫病感染、蛔虫病和鞭虫病这三种寄生虫疾病是三种在拉美和加勒比地区最流行的被忽略的热带疾病,感染了2.35亿人口。The parasitic diseases hookworm infection, ascariasis, and trichuriasis are the three most prevalent NTDs in Latin America and the Caribbean, with 235 million people infected.

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对732份中、小学生的粪便标本,用粪便直接涂片法和饱和盐水漂浮法,进行了蛔虫卵和钩虫卵的检查。The stools from 732 pupils were examined for eggs of A. lumbricoides and hookworm by means of direct fecal film and the saline saturation solution floating concentrated techniques.

目的观察复方阿苯达唑不同剂量治疗人体钩、蛔、鞭虫感染的近远期疗效及其控制疫区土源性线虫流行的效果。Objective To assess the short and long-term therapeutic and control effect of different doses of compound albendazole tablets against human hookworm disease, ascariasis and trichuriasis.

目的调查广东省湛江市遂溪县曲水村人体钩虫及钩蚴性皮炎感染情况。Objective To investigate the prevalence and distribution characteristics of hookworm and dermatitis caused by hookworm larvae of villagers in Qushui village, Suixi, Zhanjiang, Guangdong province.