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当税务员找上门来。But when the taxman comes to the door.

数年来,他一直欺骗罟税务部门。He had been cheating the taxman for years.

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收税员说他欠我许多钱!The taxman says he owes me a lot of money!

局将对蜡像馆征收附加税。The taxman will levy surtax on the waxworks.

税务局将对蜡像馆征收附加税。The taxman will levy surtax on the waxworks.

只是不关收税员什么事而已。They just take place beyond the taxman 's reach.

她被指控企图蒙骗税务员。She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.

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毫无疑问,你听说过关于死亡和收税员行。You've undoubtedly heard the line about death and the taxman.

用贸易界的术语讲,这些人为财税部门创造了巨大的盈利。In trading terms, they make a considerable profit for the taxman.

那个税务员带着一把重斧头去蜡像馆参观蜡像。The taxman went to see a waxwork in the waxworks with a heavy ax.

松露“猎手”躲避收税员就像毒贩一样。Truffle "hunters" try to avoid the taxman as much as drug dealers.

税务员手里拿着蜡烛浪漫地述说着他的爱情故事。The taxman waxed lyrical about his romantic love when the moon waxed.

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为了对蜡像馆征收附加税,税务稽查员费尽了力气。The taxman taxed his strength in order to levy surtax on the waxworks.

我拼命工作了整整一个星期,而结果甚至在我没看到薪金前,税务员就拿走了其中的大部分。I work like a dog all week and the taxman takes most of my pay before I even see it.

税务局把税务稽查员给解雇了,因为那个税务员带着一把重斧头去蜡像馆参观蜡像。The taxman gave the idea of buying an axe the axe because he was axed by the taxman.

虚拟世界里日益增长的商业价值已经引起了收税员的注意。The growing value of commerce in virtual worlds has provoked interest from the taxman , too.

为了鸭的收税员的雷达,这些收益投资于财产或黄金,通常。In order to duck the taxman 's radar, these proceeds are invested in property or gold, usually.

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那些想要让他们的积蓄摆脱政府和收税员控制的人大力推崇黄金。Gold is already favoured by those who want to keep their savings beyond the reach of government and taxman.

税务局把税务稽查员给解雇了,因为那个税务员带着一把重斧头去蜡像馆参观蜡像。The taxman gave the taxman the axe because the taxman went to see a waxwork in the waxworks with a heavy ax.

不管你是遵纪守法的好公民还是偷税漏税的罪犯,你总会对收税人的无所不知而感到吃惊。Whether you're a law abiding citizen or a tax dodging criminal, there's something eerily omniscient about the taxman.