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并购狂潮紧追绿色趋势。Merger mania grips green.

现在世界上有一种新的狂热。The world has a new mania.

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躁狂就像那样悄悄向我袭来。Mania creeps up on me like that.

她有开快车的癖好。She has a mania for driving fast.

这些都是财政狂热的代价。Such are the wages of financial mania.

每个人都在谈投资热。Everyone is talking about investment mania.

繁荣的黑市帮助点燃了对苹果产品的狂热。A thriving black market helps fuel the Apple mania.

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对苹果的痴狂也激发了草根发明者的灵感。Apple mania has even inspired grass-roots inventors.

然而,结果对于躁狂却没有惊人变化。However, the results were not as striking for mania.

不同的人有着不同的躁狂经历。Different people have different experiences of mania.

躁狂轻度到中度的表现称为轻躁。A mild to moderate level of mania is called hypomania.

健身热潮曾经席卷了办公室外很多大姑娘。Keep-fit mania has hit some of the girls in the office.

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让我们来谈谈狂热,先从甲壳虫热说起。Let's talk about manias. Let's start with Beatle mania.

把中国说成是在一场躁狂症是显而易见的。To say that China is in the midst of a mania is obvious.

第二天云狂醒来,见到了在院里打铁的乐儿。The second day cloud mania wake up, see in the yard LeEr.

1995年,丙戌酸钠被FDA核准用于治疗躁狂。Valproate was FDA-approved in 1995 for treatment of mania.

一年零十一天之前,全国都被iPhone狂热症所笼罩。One year and 11 days ago, our nation was swept by iPhone Mania.

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希勒认为,美国在一个非理性的狂热是抓地力。Shiller believes America is in the grip of an irrational mania.

严格地说,狂热是一种使人极端性的精神病。Strictly, mania is a kind of madness which makes people violent.

那一年是1636,郁金香交易的投机性也变本加厉。That happened in the year 1636 when mania was reaching its peak.