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她在战争中受到毒气的严重伤害。She was badly gassed in the war.

我知道,我几年前加过油。I know, I gassed up a few years ago.

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老年夫妇公寓开煤气自杀。Elderly couples gassed themselves in their apartments.

赛车司机不到两分钟就给汽车加好了油。The racing driver gassed his car in less than two minutes.

大卡车在加油站停下来灌油。The big truck stopped at the filling station and gassed up.

若这个世界认为它可以阻止我,我会让它吃烤豆,让它乱成一锅粥。Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if it thinks it's stopping me.

一天晚上,难马结识了一名喝醉酒的女子荣子。A day night, difficult Ma Jie knew Rong Zi of woman of a gassed.

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许多在场无辜的顾客也被熏着了,这些顾客为此很生气。Too many innocent customers got angry when they were gassed , too.

这个自由世界说的声大大,现在谁怕谁了?This free world got you gassed up , Now whos afraid of the big bad wolf ?

然而数年前,一位17岁的少年就是在此处在一辆封闭的发动的汽车中用废气引毒自杀。But a few years ago, a local 17-year-old boy left his car running and gassed himself here.

我们早上10点到达那里,下午两点我的父母就已经被毒气毒死了。We got there at 10 in the morning, and by 2 in the afternoon, my mother and father had been gassed.

他们在失利的四场比赛的最后阶段看上去都力不从心,暴露出了年龄上的劣势。The Celtics showed their age, looking completely gassed in the final minutes of each of their four losses.

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他边说边给扫雪机加汽油准备清扫车道,“不过,我倒能省下一些电费。”" he said as he gassed up a snow blower to clear his driveway. "At least I'll save a few bucks on my electric bill.

这些含气体的蕃茄是可以食用的,但味道却无法与自然成熟的蕃茄相提并论。Gassed tomatoes are edible, but they are no match to the flavor of a vine-ripened tomato that is allowed to mature slowly.

历史上堆满了因种族、宗教和国籍而被私刑处死、被刺刀刺死或者被毒气熏死的人的尸体。History is heaped with the corpses of those who were lynched, bayoneted or gassed because of their race, religion or nationality.

两天后1943年2月25日﹐在Khala的地下工厂被关闭,所有的工人送往布痕瓦尔德用毒气杀死。Two days later, on February 25, 1943 the underground plant at Khala was closed and all the workers sent to Buchenwald and gassed.

当有报道称某个医院建筑内虱子大批孳生,孟格勒便用毒气一一毒死了750名派往医院的女人。When it was reported that one hospital block was infested with lice, Mengele gassed every single one of the 750 women assigned to it.

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纳粹将他们定义为“非人”,一些专家相信,大约有60万欧洲吉普赛人被屠杀,其中绝大多数被毒死在奥斯威辛集中营。The Nazis considered them "nonpersons", and some experts believe around 600, 000 European Gypsies were eradicated, most gassed in Auschwitz.

不管是真实的还是空穴来风,对化学武器的恐惧使东部人民战战兢兢地退缩,现在可以松一口气了。Libyan families in the east who feared another Halabja, the town Saddam Hussein's MiG aircraft gassed in March 1988, can breathe more easily.

就像汽车的燃油经济性一样,每跑一步你所消耗的氧气和能量越少,你将会跑得越长,太好了,加油!Like the fuel economy of a car, the less oxygen and energy you need to run at a certain pace, the longer you can go without ending up, well, gassed.