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总统行使了他的否决权。The president used the power of veto.

他说这五个国家手中的否决权就等同于恐怖主义。Their veto was tantamount to terrorism.

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马杜罗称自己将否决这项法案。Mr Maduro has said he will veto the bill.

他甚至还放话要否决任何权益之计。He even promised to veto a stopgap measure.

总经理有权一票否决。The General Manager also has the veto power.

“安全指标为一票否决指标之一”怎么译?Safety standard is one of the Veto standards.

布什总统说他将否决这个建议。President Bush says he will veto that proposal.

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没有否决权,安理会的工作会更好。The Council Would Work Better Without the Veto.

不听话的国会推翻了总统的否决。A rebellious congress overrode the president's veto.

嗯,总统有否决权,这一点是非常厉害的。Well, he has veto power, which can be very powerful.

因为“梅德韦杰夫没有否决联合国安理会1973号决议。”Because ‘Medvedev did not veto UNSC resolution 1973.’

总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。The President threatened to use his veto over the bill.

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如果这个议案要是送到奥巴马的桌上,他应该会否决它。Were it ever to reach Mr Obama’s desk, he should veto it.

中国说他将否决包含武力威胁的决议。China said it would veto a resolution that threatened force.

但是,总统巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫已表示将否决此项规定。President Dilma Rousseff has promised to veto that provision.

政府已经表态将会否决史密斯的提议案。The administration has signaled it would veto the Smith bill.

董事长有权否决董事会的任何建议。The chairman has the right to veto any of the board's proposals.

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总统第二次否决国会通过的国家银行法案导致了泰勒内阁的危机。He vetoed it. This second veto caused a crisis in Tyler's cabinet.

甚至连奥巴马威胁要否决任何包括F-22的预算也不起作用。Not even Obama's threats to veto any budget with F-22s had an effect.

议会推翻了州长的否决,议案则成为法律。The legislature overrode the governor's veto and the bill became law.