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猫王的猎犬狗.Elvis the hound dog.

于是穆那查到了猎狗那里。He came to the hound.

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它是一只真正狩猎用的猎犬。He was a hunting hound.

他高声嗾使着他的猎犬。He halloed at his hound.

他高声嗾使着他的猎犬。He hallowed at his hound.

那时猎狗还是只狗崽子。The Hound was just a pup.

我们唤回猎犬。We harked the hound back.

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我的那只老灰狗死了。My old hound dog just died.

猎犬凄厉地嚎叫。The hound bayed mournfully.

猎犬在野兔身后紧追不舍。The hound nips at a rabbit.

狗正对月狂吠。A hound was baying at the moon.

她象猎狗似的吠叫。She sounded like a hound baying.

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否则,猎狗会杀了她。Elsewise, the Hound will kill her.

这只猎犬在树林中四处搜寻猎物。The hound was quartering the woods.

一只阿富汗猎犬昂首肃立。An Afghan hound stands at attention.

这就是铁匠的猛犬我所看到的!Through the Smiths Hound whom I see!

一条受惊不安的猎狗正在对月狂吠。A troubled hound was baying the moon.

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我想起了我亲爱的老猎犬。I'm thinking about my good old hound.

狗听到口哨声窜了出来。The hound whipped out at the whistle.

那条夜里,我又听到了犬吠声。The next night I heard the hound again.