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啊,一个香奈儿钱包。Ah a Chanel purse.

她的钱包是空的。Her purse is empty.

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我囊空如洗。I am bare in purse.

我有一笔私房钱哩。I have a secret purse.

我把硬币塞入钱包。I will purse the coin.

她们会带着小钱包,and carry a little purse

轻不过钱包,重不过心。Light purse , heave heart.

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谁偷了我的钱包呢?Who knocked off my purse ?

有了您的大空钱包。With your big empty purse.

这钱包便真成了件失物。The purse was actually lost.

没人,等我把我的包拿开。Uh no, let me move my purse.

他正要去掏她的钱包。He is going to dip her purse.

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托钵人的荷包是无底洞。A beggar's purse is bottomless.

小金库好比一个巨大的诅咒。A light purse is a heavy curse.

彩票怎么会在你的包里呢?How did that get in your purse?

我的卡片就放在我的钱包里。I have my card here in my purse.

我的钱包在赶集时被人偷走了。My purse was stolen in the fair.

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小收入,若常来,积累起来钱满袋。Little and often fills the purse.

你把我的钱包藏到哪儿去了?What have you done with my purse?

裙摆做得长,钱包轻得慌!A large train makes a light Purse.