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它们难以置信的完美,而且可以食用。They are impossibly perfect, and edible.

我发现那读起来实在太难,太慢,毫无收获可言。I found it just too hard, impossibly slow, and unrewarding.

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麦道夫令他的骗局看起来极困难入局。Madoff made it seem impossibly difficult to invest with him.

如果拉脱维亚紧随其后,爱沙尼亚将不可能脱离俄罗斯。If Latvia followed suit, Estonia would be impossibly isolated.

假如是水冲下来的,它不可能有如此清楚的分别。If water rushs, it has those who be like this clarity impossibly to part.

又一次听到这样的关键讯息,你可以把1,000首歌藏在口袋里,不可思议的小玩意。Again, the key messages here are 1,000 songs in your pocket, impossibly small

但是在绝大多数情况下,这个公式都是无法求解的。But in the vast majority of cases, that formula remained impossibly hard to solve.

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几乎所有的行为荒谬性,均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。Almost all behaviors absurd all originate mimicry those our impossibly similar person.

居然没熊。可是头顶上闪烁着无数颗星星,那景象真是不可思议。There was no bear. But there were an impossibly large number of stars twinkling above.

我们没有史蒂芬。斯皮尔伯格,但是我们有史蒂芬。周。Steven Spilberg, but we have Stephen Chow. Under the impossibly high demand of Director Chow.

但是,虽然这个数字看起来可能是巨大得难以想象,可这名单只占整个网络的一小部分。But as impossibly big as that number may seem, it represents only a fraction of the entire Web.

假使我们的目标是超越前人的功绩,就要拒绝平庸而不去想什么不可能。If our aim is to over-achieve, we need to avoid the same banal influences and think impossibly.

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但它们满地开花,把我们整洁优雅的行列用难以置信的粉红彩纸球彻底打乱。They grow wherever they emerge, rupturing our neat rows with impossibly pink balls of confetti.

其前10的照片表明我们的宇宙既不仅神秘,而且有深镌之美。Hubble's Top 10 illustrate that our universe is not only strange, but also impossibly beautiful.

张燕梅说,一场全球性危机的恶果不可能由一个行业来承担。Zhang Yanmei says, the evil consequence of a global crisis is assumed impossibly by an industry.

2013年的毕业生与其好高骛远,不如把起步的目标放低点可能更好。Instead of aiming so impossibly high, the graduates of 2013 would do better to start a bit lower.

你有不可能的快速和强壮。你的皮肤苍白冰冷。你的眼睛在变换颜色。You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice-cold . Your eyes change color.

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吉姆身材瘦长,脸色苍白,看起来不像是那种传奇式的领导者。Exceptionally tall, impossibly thin and white as ghost, Jim does not look like a storybook leader.

那张观众选到的牌就在眼皮底下穿进项链,造成不可能的链接情况。The selected card visibly impales itself onto the chain, leaving it in an impossibly linked condition.

他从那男孩纤细修长的手指间取过香烟,触摸到了那难以置信的冰凉。He takes the cigarette from the boy's thin, long- fingered hands, feeling how impossibly cold they are.