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我们还使用马毛织品作为衣服的内衬。We also use inserts that are made out of horsehair.

动物粗毛或马毛的机织物。Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair.

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单一的血统,黑色的身影,长而美丽的鬃毛是她的特点。Single lineage, black body and beautiful horsehair is her feature.

另外,二胡有一个杯形状的琴筒和用马尾制成的弓。In addition, there is a cup-shaped canister and a bow made of horsehair.

而且她在小小的手上握有马儿的鬃毛,是哪里来的呢?And where had the horsehair come from, which she clutched in her little hand?

绳子是用马毛做成的,传说可以用它抵挡刀剑。The rope is made from horsehair , and was traditionally claimed to be able to block a sword.

现在用长矛举着披着马毛床单的马头去游街吧。Now, go out about the town covered in the horsehair sheet holding the horse’s head up on a pike.

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弓是由具柔韧性的木材和由皮革、马鬃或动物肌腱所做的弓弦组成。The bows were made of flexible wood and the bowstrings of leather, horsehair , or the tendons of animals.

看到绵延的雪山,完整而又壮美,洁白得似独角兽的鬃毛。I saw the snow mountain stretch long and unbroken, integrity and grandeur , as pure as unicorn's horsehair.

毛布一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬。A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair used for upholstering and for stiffening garments.

透明硬纱一种薄而挺的丝或合成纤维织物,用于装饰、颈部饰物或晚礼服。A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments.

梅格出来,脸上挂着灰色马鬃,身穿黑红二色长袍,手持拐杖,大衣上画着神秘符号。Out came Meg, with gray horsehair hanging about her face, a red and black robe, a staff, and cabalistic signs upon her cloak.

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随着时间的推移,大衣和马甲的腰线以下部分开始采用鲸骨和马尾衬支撑,使大衣和马甲的下摆与臀部之间形成空间。As time went by, the skirts of the coat and vest were stiffened with whalebone and horsehair so that they stood away from the hips.

乐园成员们甚至给在灰姑娘婚礼中拉马车的白马剃出了米奇的形状。Cast members have even been known to shave HM symbols into the horsehair on the white steeds that pull Cinderella's coach during weddings.

僧人脖子上戴着骷髅串成的项链,腰上配刀,右手执佛尘,左手持经卷,举步向前。The priest wears a necklace of skulls around his neck and a sword around his waist and he is carrying a horsehair flapper in his right hand and a sutra in his left hand.

原料选用上乘猪鬃、羊毛、黄鼠狼尾毛、耗子毛、马毛、尼龙毛、牛耳毛、水貂毛等加工、生产。The raw material chooses to use the best bristle, wool, weasel tail hair and consume son hair, horsehair , nylon hair, ear of an ox hair, mink hair etc. process, produces.

日本媒体报导,一旦选定马毛岛,将来气垫登陆艇、运输直升机的降落、空挺部队的降落等训练将经常举行。Japanese media reports, once selected horsehair Island, the future air cushion landing craft, helicopters landing, the landing force air quite frequently and other training will be held.