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信誉就是一切。Reputation is everything.

怕有损他的名声。Warry I lost his reputation.

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我敢以我的名誉起誓。I can swear by my reputation.

他的名誉受到损害。He suffered in his reputation.

约翰的名誉受到了损害。John has a damaged reputation.

马基维利值得这样的声誉吗?。Did he deserve this reputation?

她落得了个邋遢女人的名声。She got a reputation as a frump.

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你能在银行里兑现声望吗?Can you cash reputation in a bank?

流言蜚语玷污了她的名声。The scandal fouled her reputation.

但偶们也有着良好的声誉。But we also have a good reputation.

不惜花费,大造声势。No expense or reputation is spared.

他极力以谎言毁损她的名誉。He tried to lie away her reputation.

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ta白勺名誉被许多罪状所玷污。Her reputation is sullied by crimes.

无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。Reputation is often got without merit

使美誉落得跟娼妓一样。And makest fair reputation but a bawd.

话说,名声坏了是很难洗白的。But a bad reputation is hard to shake.

然后我们的名声开始打响了。Then our reputation started to spread.

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久闻她是个出色的组织者。She was by reputation a good organizer.

他的英勇使他获得荣誉。His braveness earned him the reputation.

米尔顿的名声总是将他本身掩盖。Milton's reputation always precedes him.