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你经常有饥饿感吗?Always hungry?

我饿极了。I am very hungry.

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我饿得前胸贴后背了。I'm super hungry.

我的狗饿了。My dog is hungry.

不要再肚子饿的时候逛街。Don’t shop hungry.

我所感到的就是饿。What I feel is hungry.

假设你特别饿。Let's say you're hungry.

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假正经。但是我饿极了。But I'm extremely hungry.

这只猫感到很饿。The cat's feeling hungry.

饿肚子不去食品店。Never grocery shop hungry.

老狼老狼你饿吗?Wolf, wolf, are you hungry?

我想我不大饿。I guess I'm not very hungry.

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穷到饥寒交迫。Poor to the hungry and cold.

你感到饥饿和困惑。You are hungry and confused.

啊太好了,因为我很饿。Aah great, cause I am hungry.

你饿不饿,我有点饿了。Do you hunger? I feel hungry.

大家都又穷又饿。Everyone was poor and hungry.

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斯滕格斯是一个渴望的男人。Jock Sturges is a hungry man.

饿狗叨了一块骨头。The hungry dog bit on a bone.

我是一只饥饿的小鸟。I'm a small and hungry birdie.