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即使能够弄清楚,常常也很难将它们定义为欺诈。If they can, it is often hard to characterise them as shams.

顶层有大面积的玻璃,可享受这片森林地界的360度景观。Large expanses of glass characterise the top storey, enabling 360-degree views of the forested terrain.

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本研究以随机性与确定性的趋势成份来展现台北地区住宅价格长期的变动行为。It shows how stochastic and deterministic trends characterise long-run behaviour of Taipei house prices.

与塑造旧式军备控制特征的艰涩的渐进主义相比,“零核”是个更具吸引力的标语。“Zero” was a catchier slogan than the arcane incrementalism that had come to characterise old-time arms control.

他补充说,什么是应该来形容一个天才少数被认为揭示了精神分析是普遍现象。He adds that what is supposed to characterise a gifted minority is revealed by psychoanalytical thought to be commonplace.

高兴地把这场危机描述为“不确定的、不均匀的以及反常的”的公职人员都跟阿肯巴克是同类人。a public servant happy to characterise a crisis as “indeterminate, asymmetrical and anomalous” is Mr Achenbach's kind of guy.

一些官员明智地试图将退出定性为一个纯商业决定,没有多少影响大局的意义。Some officials have sensibly sought to characterise the pull-out as a purely commercial decision of little broader significance.

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细川护熙主要制作茶道器具,他使用了日本各个著名陶产区特有的不同陶釉。Hosokawa mostly makes tea ceremony ware using many of the different glazes that characterise each of japan's famous pottery districts.

这将是超强辐射技术首次被用于杀死癌细胞而且以后还会用它来展示遗传物质的特性。This will be the first time THz technology has been used on cancer cells and it will also be developed to characterise genetic material.

因此不能用倒幂谱特征来描述人的心室去极化QRS复合波的混沌特征。So inverse-power spectrum feature could not be used to characterise the chaotic feature of person′s ventricular depolarization QRS complex.

新的研究项目应该描绘野生作物物种的特性并把它们的耐旱、耐洪水和耐盐碱的基因转移到作物中。New research programmes should characterise and use wild crop species to transfer genes for drought, flood and salinity tolerance into crops.

其实浪漫这个词真正的、正确的用途是表示一种罕见的或不寻常的美丽、崇高或美德的程度。The real and proper use of the word romantic is simply to characterise an improbable or unaccustomed degree of beauty, sublimity , or virtue.

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一系列的纪念活动以及事件让我们的荣耀感和感激之情澎湃——它们标志了英国的过往。A unique combination of anniversaries and events have stirred in us that sense of pride and gratitude which characterise the British experience.

未来,计划调试雷达,通过探测目标的偏振式多普勒特征,以更详细的描述目标。In the future, it is planned to modify the radar to characterise targets in more detail by exploiting their polarimetric and Doppler signatures.

我这样形容这次的大灾难,它在缅甸的历史上是空前的,而且带来的影响与之前几个受海啸破坏的个别国家相当。I’d characterise it as unprecedented in the history of Myanmar and on an order of magnitude with the effect of the tsunami on individual countries.

他告诫"那将是错误的把所有反对接种疫苗的描述看成是胡思乱想或是反科学的,因为接种会遇到某些问题。She cautions that "it would be wrong to characterise all opposition to vaccines as cranky or anti-science, " because there can be problems with vaccines.

剑桥大学的一个研究团队通过采用一个多因素的数学模型,提出了这个理论,这个模型同时考察了男性和女性。A team at the University of Cambridge came up with the theory by applying a mathematical model to the various factors that characterise males and females.

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北京市气象局的每日天气报告将以「严重」、「中等」、「轻微」标示霾害程度,据新华社报导。Daily reports issued by the Beijing Meteorological Bureau will characterise haze or smog levels as either heavy, moderate or light, Xinhua news agency said.

目前,一些国家公共债务庞大的问题成为焦点,他们的脆弱性引人关注,特别是在欧元区,即希腊之后,又有数个成员国遭遇财政困扰,突显出所谓的"大肆印钞的惩罚".However, this also highlights the vulnerability of countries running large public debts, especially in the euro zone, in a move some characterise as "punish the printers".

这组科学家说,还需要更多的研究从而更好地描述气候变化长期效应——诸如干旱、淡水资源减少和人口迁移——对卫生的影响。More research is needed to better characterise the long-term effects of climate change — such as drought, fewer freshwater resources and population displacement — on health.