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他从青少年拘留所潜逃了。He absconded from a remand home.

我们可以探索任何产品的押。We can explore any product of your remand.

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等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.

这就要求我们做好新闻第二落点的研究工作。This remand we do well the research work of the second placement.

结合居民新的居住要求和天气情况,确定小城镇家居功能模式。Ascertain the home's pattern of small town with new remand and climate.

右少想通过翻案搞死左少,她要提审常福。Right by his conviction death left a few less, she would Chang Fu remand the case.

从所盖的位置来看,有迎首章和押脚章。Position from the cover of view, there are welcoming the first chapter and chapter feet remand.

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谢霆锋被送往监狱,还押二个星期,直到最后法院传讯,判处240小时的社会服务。Tse spent two weeks in jail on remand before a judge ordered him to do 240hours of community service.

一如世界其他地方的监狱一样,香港还押囚犯的处境最恶劣。As is common in prisons around the world , remand prisoners in hong kong are subject to the worst conditions.

本文描述了当前的国际反倾销形势,对我国的反倾销救济提出了建议。This paper provides an over view of current antidumping situation and bring some suggestion of antidumping remand.

我又成为一个青年工人,管理住宿年轻人押和感化服务。I went on to become a youth worker, managed accommodation for young people on remand and for the probation service.

年轻女犯在大潭峡惩教所服刑。该惩教所收容还押犯、教导所犯人和年轻犯人。Tam Gap Correctional Institution, which accommodates remand prisoners, training centre inmates and young prisoners.

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最后法官裁定美贞串谋行劫罪名成立,并宣判美贞即时还押监牢。The judge ruled that the brahmachari conspiracy to rob convicted, and sentenced the brahmachari instant remand prison.

追踪报道近年来聚碳酸酯新生产技术——非光气法的进展及聚碳酸酯新产品新牌号的开发。This paper tracked the development of the PC non-phosgene process, new products and the forecast of the market remand.

发回重审和上诉不加刑原则的关系问题很少有人论及。The relation between the remand for new trial and the principle of no appeal resulting in additional punishment is seldom discussed before.

沈浪将七七送回朱家,路过村外却见其母墓地被毁,心下生疑。Shen Lang general 77 remand Zhu Jia, see its mother graveyard is destroyed however outside transient village, the heart issues be suspicious.

直到8月22日,布雷维克将被单独监禁,监禁期间不得接触访客或书信。Breivik will be held in solitary confinement until August 22, and will not be allowed visitors or letters for the entirety of his remand period.

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根据上述情况,本院撤销原判,将案件发回哥伦比亚特区巡回审判辖区美国上诉法院审理。Under these circumstances, we vacate the judgment and remand the case to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

莫里从12月7号就在监狱中等待法庭的裁定,帕斯特法官已决定让康拉德还押拘留,直到法庭做出最终的判决。Murray is in jail since November 7th waiting for court verdict, and Pastor gave a decision to keep Conrad in remand until the final judgment is given.

该嫌犯没有参加今天下午在莫威尔地区地方法院举行的重审,尽管他本人当时在莫威尔地方法院。The suspect did not attend this afternoon's remand hearing at the regional Morwell magistrates court, although he was in the court building at the time.