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新秀然后进行破坏马戏团面积。The rookies then proceed to destroy the ringside area.

偏载载荷必须远离台边约300毫米。Partial load must be kept away from ringside ca. 300 mm.

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还有一件事,星认为你在场边会影响我的注意力。Hoshi thinks that you being ringside may have affected my concentration.

当她成功的那天,她希望父亲也出现在拳击场上。When her big days does come, she hopes her dad will be right there ringside.

而唐金为了讨好小梅,甚至提供两个著名的保镖陪梅威瑟坐在拳台边。King is even providing two famous "bodyguards" to sit with Mayweather at ringside.

再一次说明我并非时尚警卫——我只是一名审查新手外加有30多年赛环观察员经验的人而已。Again, I am not the FP—only a new judge with more than 30 years as a ringside observer.

他担任外交记者多年,在华盛顿占有一个圈旁座位。He was a diplomatic correspondent for many years and had a ringside seat in Washington.

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艾梅尔的律师菲利普·希尔德,近距离接触了他的当事人逐渐被毁的生活。Emmel's lawyer, Philip Hilder, has had a ringside seat at the gradual unravelling of his client's life.

但是,我们虽然坐在靠近拳击台的观察席上,就在北纬49度这里,却从未看清你。But although we've had a ringside seat , we've never understood you completely , up here north of the 49th.

台前的三排座位确实坐满了外国人,全都瞪大了眼睛在看,但这确实跟他们没什么关系。Indeed three rows of ringside seats are filled with foreigners, all pop-eyed, but they're actually irrelevant.

拳台边的每一个人,每一个运动专家,整个体育界,都知道他没有犯规。Every ringside witness, every sporting ex- pert, and the whole sporting world, knew there had been no foul.

从她占有有利的角度来看,奥茨,真正重量级的信件,分析了演出刚刚辉煌。And from her ringside perspective, Oates, a true heavyweight of letters, analyzes the performances just brilliantly.

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但是,我们虽然坐在靠近拳击台的观察席上,就在北纬49度这里,却从未看清你。But although we've had a ringside seat , we've never understood you completely , up here north of the 49th parallel.

作为一名参议院,他清楚的目睹了90年代克林顿自负的保健项目提案被推翻的全过程。As a senator, he had a ringside seat when the Clintons' overweening health-care project was knocked down in the 1990s.

在过去28个月中,这个专栏让我得到了作为新闻从业者的最高特权,亲眼见证了一段正在形成的历史。In the past 28 months, this column has given me the ultimate journalistic privilege, a ringside view of history in the making.

看起来,桑德尔肯定要给击昏过去,场子旁边的一个警官,给这种可怕的狠打吓坏了,连忙站起来阻止这场拳击。A knockout seemed certain, and a captain of police, appalled at the dreadful punishment, arose by the ringside to stop the fight.

他身穿一件蓝色衬衫坐在看台的最前边,她穿着一件深蓝色的角斗士风格的裙子,站在在看台中间的位置。He was wearing a blue sweat shirt and seated ringside. She was wearing a royal blue gladiator-style skirt and standing in the center of the ring.

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比赛进行到第63分钟时,孙祥突然一瘸一拐地走到场边,倒在地上,表情相当痛苦。When the competition carries on the 63rd minute, Sun Xiang arrives at the ringside lamely suddenly, pours in ground, the expression is quite painful.

太空总署的“星系演化探测器”为这场疯狂的盛宴专设了一个“台前”座位,利用其紫外光电子眼研究这段过程的始末。NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer had a "ringside" seat for this feeding frenzy, using its ultraviolet eyes to study the process from beginning to end.

亲眼目睹自然灾害的户田公明笃信,即便是最富裕与最先进的社会,也不能指望藐视地质现实。From his ringside seat on natural disaster, Mr Toda has no doubt that even the richest and most advanced societies cannot expect to defy geological realities.