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在白膜这种鸡蛋是很容易剥离。Such eggs within the tunica albuginea is very easy to strip.

然而,他注册丘尼卡罗伯特斯宾塞在印度河学校。However, he was registered at the Indian Creek School in Tunica as Robert Spencer.

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血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia.

外膜为浆膜,与黏膜下层分界不明显。The boundary between tunica adventitia which is serosa and submucosa is not obvious.

至140日龄,卵巢白膜及皮质、髓质均发育完整。By 140 days old, the tunica albuginea ovarii, cortex and medulla have completely developed.

睪丸白膜鞘恶性间质细胞瘤是一种少见但致命的恶性肿瘤。Malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis is a rare but often fatal malignancy.

管腔内表面光滑,表面有一层白色的黏膜覆盖。The internal surfaces of prosthesis were smooth and glossy with white tunica mucosa covered.

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壶腹部和峡部均由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成。The oviduct ampulla and isthmus were composed of mucous layer, tunica muscularis and adventitia.

胃壁由粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜四层组成。The wall of the stomach consists of tunica mucosa, tela submucosa, tunica muscularis and serosa.

大约1919年,罗伯特再结合周围丘尼卡和罗宾逊维尔,密西西比地区的母亲。Around 1919, Robert rejoined his mother in the area around Tunica and Robinsonville, Mississippi.

以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。近年来对鞘膜积液的治疗有了新的进展。Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past.

原套是由细胞进行背斜分离产生的一或多层外围细胞组成。The tunica is made up of one or more peripheral layers in which cell division it mostly anticlinal.

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目的提高对附睾及睾丸鞘膜血管平滑肌瘤的认知水平。Objective To improve the level of understanding in angioleiomyoma of epididymis and tunica vaginalis.

中膜层病理学改变是可逆性的,但已失去血管舒缩功能,仅具生物支架作用。The pathological changes of tunica media were reversible, without vasomotion and play a stent role only.

当白膜撕裂时,原来填充在这些区域的血就泄露到其他组织里。When the tunica albuginea tears, the blood that is normally confined to this space leaks out into other tissues.

伪瘤在其他器官发生的机会并非少见,但是发生在睪丸白膜则是相当罕见。Fibrous pseudotumor is not uncommon in other sites of the body, but rarely occurs on the testicular tunica albuginea.

消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层构成。The wall of digestive tract is made up of four layers, which are the mucosa, tunica submucosa, muscularis and serosa.

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未分化的芽,其生长锥呈锥状突起,原套和原体细胞尚未发生变化。In this period, the cone of growth is a tapered projection and its cells of tunica as well as corpus have not changed.

光镜观察后,用计算机图像分析系统测量其中膜显微结构成分的相对含量。The microstructure component in tunica media of umbilical cord vein were measured by the computer image analysis system.

囊肿远端在保证胰液引流通畅、不损伤胰管开口的基础上,尽量切净囊肿内膜。It should clean the tunica intima of cyst, not injury debouch of pancreas, and ensure unobstructed pancreatic fluid flowing.