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我们询问人们是否会在将来使用BIM。We asked whether people would use BIM in the future.

宾来了,本来了。宾给本拿来了扫帚,本给宾拿来了扫帚。Ben comes. Bim brings Ben broom. Ben brings Bim broom.

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季奚又去打猎了,两个年轻的猎人比恩和鲍恩在偷偷跟着他。On Keesh's next trip two young hunters, Bim and Bawn, followed him.

宾和本都用扫帚指挥。本的乐队乒乒,宾的乐队乓乓。Bim and Ben lead bands with brooms. Ben's band bangs and Bim's band booms.

当前IFC是BIM模型中使用最广泛,最成熟的开源标准。Currently, IFC is the most widely used and most mature open standard for BIM models.

最后,分析基于BIM的成本控制模式的优势和动态性。Finally, analyzes the advantages and dynamics of the cost control model based on BIM.

BIM厂商们正在日益扩展他们的范围同时提供不同专业的专用软件。Vendors are increasingly expanding their scope and providing discipline-specific BIM tools.

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要求使用BIM将会使更多的人涉入某些他们应该涉入的事。Requiring BIM will get a lot more people involved in something they ought to be involved in.

该项目来源于建筑行业对BIM模型服务器的需求。It transpired that there was a considerable need in the building industry for BIM model servers.

这意味着BIMserver符合BIM应用中涉及的大多数成熟的开放标准。This means that the BIMserver meets most mature open standards that are used with BIM applications.

但是在我的头脑里是没有疑问的,复杂工程在BIM平台上很少是不能较好地传输的。But there's no doubt in my mind that few projects of any complexity can't be delivered better on a BIM platform.

BIM正在促进日益复杂建筑部件的工厂预制生产和全球化采购。BIM is encouraging prefabrication for increasingly complex building subassemblies, which can be procured globally.

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困难之处是,要拿出一个对所有工程方案都适用的BIM的通用规格是很难的。The difficulty is it's very hard to come up with a blanket specification for BIM that's applicable to all projects.

如果你订阅自我平衡静修简讯那么你只会得到即将举办的静修活动的更新消息,其他的什么都得不到。If you subscribe to the BiM retreat newsletter then you will get updates only about up-coming retreats, nothing else.

对在工程施工阶段应用建筑信息模型中的问题进行研究,并得出结论。The problems of the usage of BIM in stage of project implementation are investigated, the conclusions are put forward.

2009年,工作室作品“长兴传媒中心”荣获中国首届BIM建筑设计最佳建筑设计二等奖。In 2009, the work "Changxing radio and TV station"win the second prize of Chinese first BIM architecture design competition.

这份调查没有给出BIM的定义,因而不同国家的人们对BIM的理解可能会多种多样。The survey did not give a definition of BIM, so it's quite possible that what people understand BIM to be varies somewhat by country.

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其他BIM软件需要将IFC的几何表示转换为其内部的数据结构,而IFC认证就是检查该转换过程是否正确。Other BIM software has to interpret the IFC geometry into its own internal structure. The certification checks whether this takes place correctly.

BIMserver软件的核心能理解IFC结构,并支持用户使用IFC格式的BIM模型。The core of the BIMserver software ‘understands’ the IFC structure and this creates a software tool that can support users working with BIM models in IFC.

爱迪逊后来把毕姆写在了她那麦克斯威尔·雷恩侦探小说中,是一系列圣城杀人案中的凶手,包括杀妻案。Addison later wrote Bim into one of her Maxwell Lane mysteries, implicating his character in a series of Holy City homicides, including the murder of his wife.