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你是不变的星座。You-the stars that are steadfast.

我们的国家是强大坚定的。Our nation is strong and steadfast.

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固时俗之流从兮,又孰能无变化?Who can be steadfast without change?

顽固的傲气和难消的憎恨交织着。Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate.

这也使我更加坚定决心,进军中央台。My determination was more steadfast ----march into CCTV.

但愿我行事坚定,得以遵守你的律例。Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!

和林方文的爱情也越来越踏实稳固。And Lin Fang Wen love is becoming more and more steadfast steady.

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我倚靠你的慈爱,我的心因你的救恩快乐。I trusted in your steadfast love, my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

当我还在母腹中,你的慈爱,看顾我,看顾我。When I was still in the womb, your steadfast love cares for me, cares for me.

在经历了这一切后,你仍保持了对高绩效的坚定信仰——和对团队的坚定信任。Through it all, you remain steadfast in your belief in high performance—and in them.

当我们提醒他们,我们的愤怒,我们的上帝真信与坚定。We infuriate them when we remind them of our Lord's true and steadfast faithfulness.

因为书写的立场和观念问题,可能包含令部份人不快的内容。It may contain some issues you don't like to see, if you're steadfast in certain stand.

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正是以他们的名义,我们将继续坚定不移,为实现“无艾滋病的一代”的目标而努力。It is in their honor that we remain steadfast in our pursuit of an AIDS-free generation.

而她小小的身影伫立其中,自信而饱满,是自己艺术王国的女王。Gulistan, confident and mature, is standing steadfast. She is the queen of her art realm.

堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作,认认真真学习,快快乐乐生活。The open and aboveboard personhood , the steadfast work , studies earnestly , joyful life.

尼娜对伊丽莎白是否能够诱骗亚历克西斯持怀疑态度,但杰克对这个决定毫不动摇。Nina doubts whether Elizabeth is able to trap Alexis but Jack is steadfast in his decision.

脊灰工作还告诉我们,对雄心勃勃的目标做出坚定承诺会带来回报。Polio also tells us something about the rewards of steadfast commitment to ambitious goals.

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虽然葛拉齐亚和克利斯朵夫两人从未结婚。Although Grazia and Christophe never married, they remained steadfast and consoling friends.

我们恍然大悟,原来踢足球还有很多技巧,也必须有坚定不移的决心!We is suddenly enlighted, football and a lot of skill, also must be steadfast determination!

让我感谢我们在这两个行动中的众多伙伴,感谢他们坚定的承诺和支持。Let me thank our many partners, in both initiatives, for their steadfast commitment and support.